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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Here you go;)


Aina's pov :

I sat on the bed crying my heart out, how can a person be this cruel ?he's not the Amaan which I witnessed yesterday night! the old ruthless Amaan is back..

I'm so pathetic!

how can he say that he'll kill Miraj easily like taking a life is no big deal to him? most importantly how can he threaten me with his life..

Of course, I'll talk to him he's my baby brother! he's my paternal aunt's son he's a year younger to me, though we're not siblings but still I share the same to bond to him just like Zain, we three were so close among our cousins group...

He always saw me and Zain as his big sisters, we went to the same school he took business as major in college like Zain did and he was my partner in badminton match! we were the duo who rocked both the school and college in championships...

From last month He was not able to visit me and naina, he was in Italy for his business meetings! he was the CEO of our families steel business Malik's steel Enterprises and he got married six months ago to Amira! she's such a sweetheart perfect match for him...

As soon as he landed in California yesterday, he again flew to newyork to see Me today! since my family passed away he was the only one who checked on me and naina, who was always their for us, he was the main support for me! when my world collapsed in front of my eyes..

I remembered the earlier incident where he surprised me with his visit... My shift came to an end, I changed into my normal dress and came out and miraj was standing there holding my favorite white tulips bouquet..

" Assalamu alaikum busy bee! " he said with that annoying grin on his face

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" Assalamu alaikum busy bee! " he said with that annoying grin on his face..

" mir! " I yelled in happiness, I was so happy! he came forward and gave me a brotherly side hug and we fist pumped, it was our thing when ever we won a match or see each other...

" when did you comeback? " I asked taking the bouquet from his hands and inhaling it's scent, it's heavenly beautiful...

" I just came back yesterday aini! then I flew here to see you, gosh I missed you both! " he said smiling at me...

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