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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aina's pov :

The rays of sunlight entered their room through the peek of curtains illuminating the room as bright as possible! the Sun rays fell on Aina disturbing her peaceful sleep she groaned as she covered her eyes with her hands and slowly blinked it open only to come face to face with a sleeping Amaan.

He was sleeping on his stomach with face turned towards right and an involuntary smile made its way on her face, she supported her head by placing it on her hand as she laid side ways and looked at his sleeping form.

He looked like a child sleeping peacefully with no worries, she caressed his cheeks lightly and pecked his cheek lovingly, she still couldn't believe everything that happened yesterday.

Him opening up to her about his dreadful past, confessing their love to each other and becoming one. Her cheeks heated turning into a shade of scarlet as she remembered how he made love to her as they spend their night in each others arms.

She was ever thankful to Allah for blessing her with such an amazing man and he was completely hers now. she couldn't believe till now, that how much he had gone through in such a young age, where everyone fools around their life but he had to witness the cruelty of life.

She can never imagine herself being in his place, if Zain was shot in front of me I couldn't think I have handled the raw pain or even have survived despite the cruel torture .

My respect and love for Amaan has doubled, it didn't changed anything for me even after knowing he's involved in dark world, because I know it was not a choice he had, he had to accept it, I know it's dangerous but him being in my side I think we can overcome everything.

I memorized each and every scar on his body, how he shivered whenever I touched it, I kissed his pain away and he melted in my touch, I became his heal as we drowned ourself in each other.

I traced with the pad of my thumb finger, the tiny fleck beneath his left eye which I know is a scar and thought how he got it here? My thoughts were interrupted when he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close as he turned around and I fell on his chest " like what you see angel? " his husky voice murmured near my ear and it sent a shiver run down my spine.

I raised myself and he still had his eyes closed but that teasing smile still on his lips and I rolled my eyes playfully " I wouldn't be so smug if I were you Mr! " I teased him to which he opened his eyes and the most gorgeous pair of greys emerged looking at me with intensity which will make you weak in knees.

He again turned around and I fell on the bed on my back and he was hovering over me in a blink " Really.. Angel but that's not what you said when i--" I placed my hands on his mouth to stop his words wide eyed at how audacious he was being " you're incorrigible Amaan! " I hissed to which he just kissed my pal. which was covering his mouth and laughed hard, his dimples popping out making my heart lurch at how handsome he looked.

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