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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

I can't believe we're at the end, it still feels like I just started writing this story 😭..


Aina's pov:

I snuggled more into the pillow and I stretched my hand which landed on the empty bed beside me, my eyebrows quivered as I didn't feel him beside me, I summoned my eyes to open and met with an empty bed.

I pouted and rubbed my sleepy eyes and sat up slowly, I looked at the clock and it said 9:32 am, I slept like a log last night, this pregnancy is making me tired all the time, I smiled and rubbed my still flat belly.

I couldn't erase the picture of amaans smile from my memory when I told him about my pregnancy, the look on his face which I will treasure it till the end of my life.

I combed my hair with my fingers when my phone pinged indicating a message, a smile instantly crept in May face when I saw who it was from.

Morning angel..

I didn't wake you up because you were sleeping like a baby, Finish the whole breakfast and the glass of milk, don't even try to make any excuse, Maria will report it to me so better finish it or I'll come to home and feed you by myself ..

I love you angel and our babies..

- your hell devil ;)

My smile widened after reading his message, who was I kidding this morning sickness sucks! I can't even put a piece of food in my mouth otherwise I'll threw up.

There was a knock on the door and I looked up-to see Mar and Maria standing there and maria brought the trolley of food, I poured looking at it.

" Don't even think about it or I'll call Amaan now! " Mar threatened me looking at my puppy face, I snickered what's up with everyone threatening me with his name.

It's not like I fear him or something right? .

Liar!  My conscience mocked!

Ok maybe a teeny tiny bit of me is scared of him but not more than that, I huffed and stood up then headed towards the bathroom to freshen up.

After finishing freshening up I sat beside Mar on the couch and she feed me my breakfast, I had no appetite but I had to eat for my little one.

Dad and zamy was still not back from Spain and they didn't knew about my pregnancy yet, Mar only knew about it except Amaan, and they're coming back tomorrow and we're going to break the news to the whole family.

All day went in a blur and I didn't see amaan he was busy in catching up with work, he didn't even call me once today which is rare, naina was with zoyi, she took naina with her, sometimes I doubt whether me and she are besties? or she and naina.

Naina loves to go shopping with her zoyi eima, because zoyi didn't say no to anything she wants, my sly girl is getting spoiled from everyone.

I jerked from my sleep and woke up when my phone rang, I've again fell asleep on the couch while reading a book, I took the mobile out and looked at it, it was a message from Amaan.

Angel hope you like your gifts and meet me at the patio after half an hour...

I'm waiting ..

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