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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies ..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy....

Let's start then...;)


Amaan's POV:

After coming straight out of the hot steaming shower, I entered my walk in closet

And rummaged through my suits and  wore my outfit, while I was tying my tie I looked at the mirror which show cased my reflection and the tiny fleck beneath my left eye, I examined it closely it had healed, but the memory remained still afresh in ...

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And rummaged through my suits and wore my outfit, while I was tying my tie I looked at the mirror which show cased my reflection and the tiny fleck beneath my left eye, I examined it closely it had healed, but the memory remained still afresh in my mind..

My fingers trailed across it then I heaved a frustrated sigh, I headed back to my room and the maids were cleaning the room, on seeing me they bowed a little to show their respect, I gave them a Curt nod.....

Zamy was lying on his stomach on my bed, with his mouth open ajar! no one will believe that my so called lunatic brother sleeps with me, because he's scared of sleeping alone..

How much tough he acts outside but he's still afraid of darkness! unknown to him, that I'm the devil! the king! who rules the world of darkness...

I shook my head at his childish behavior, he still has not change, he's just like her!..

Zaim called me earlier and asked me to come to the base, as he wants to talk about the earlier accident which took place in my refinery...

I took my sleek black Porsche ...

Liam took me to my base, the automated black gates opened and he stopped the car on the porch, then he opened my car door, and I entered the base

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Liam took me to my base, the automated black gates opened and he stopped the car on the porch, then he opened my car door, and I entered the base...

"Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu bud! " Zaim greeted me..

"Hello to you too Zaim !" I said without any emotions, on my face..

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