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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Third person's pov :

Emanuel laughed darkly seeing Amaan, who was standing in front of him with a calm look on his face but his grey eyes held all the Fury, rage disgust to wipe him off from the face of earth.

" Are you Scared ba*tard, your poor attempt to kill me 10 years back failed and now I can kill you and your wh*re just like the old days! " Emanuel smirked but amaans nerve ticked how dare he call his angel a wh*re.

Amaan snorted balling his fists though Emanuel had aged and not as strong as he was before but still the ruthlessness did not fade away " I'm not scared you pr*ck! one of us is going to die tonight and I'll make sure that I don't let history repeat again! " with that Amaan charged at him and hit square in his jaw but Emanuel dodged it.

He twisted his arm behind his back but Amaan escaped his lock but Emanuel punched him on his gut continuously, Amaan blocked his punch as he did a uppercut which sent flying back and fell on the ground.

Amaans lips were bleeding he wiped and stood back up, Emanuel coughed spat blood and stood again the gun was laying on the floor both rushed to take it but Emanuel beat him to it, Amaan kicked his hands as the gun flew out of his hands...

Amaan punched his face mercilessly but Emanuel grabbed a rusted metal rod which was lying on the floor and stabbed in amaans right quads muscle as Amaan growled in pain, blood was seeping out and Emanuel smirked he rolled and he was on top of Amaan and punched him on his ribs like a mad man until a sound of crack was heard..

Amaan couldn't loose this fight he blocked his punch with his left hand and punched him square in the jaw again that made him lie straight on the floor and his teeth broke and blood gushed out of Emanuel's mouth..

Both were gasping for air, amaan couldn't move his leg it was paining as hell, the rustic rod was still pierced in his quads muscles making him groan in pain but he still managed to stood up he took his loaded gun and began to shoot at Emanuel who missed the two shots as he hid behind the cans Amaan continued to shoot as the cans were bursting and Amaan ran out of bullet, Emanuel took this opportunity and grabbed the gun which was lying on the floor and shot Amaan right below his heart two times..

Amaan clutched his heart as he fell on his knees, the pain was getting to his head but the smiling face of Aina passed in front of his eyes that's it he's going to die he thought " Aina" he mouthed he was glad that the gun shots hadn't taken his life right away...

Emanuel smirked holding the gun to shoot again " goodbye dog let's meet in hell and you'll never find out where is she! " Emanuel laughed evilly...

Zaim rushed when he heard the sounds of guns firing, he gasped seeing Amaan laying on the floor with a big rustic iron rod pierced in his thigh and shot two times.

Zaim growled as he marched at Emanuel and began to punch him mercilessly, first he killed Zee and now he has almost killed his friend.

" You took our sister away from us motherf*cker and I won't let you harm my friend, I will wipe out your good for nothing a*s from this world! " he spat disgustingly as he smashed his head on the wall mercilessly...

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