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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Big Surprise for you in this chappy;)

So let's go....


Aina's pov :

It's been three days! since the dreadful incident, which shook our normal life like hell! nothing remained same after the accident...

Fear has consumed our mind especially naina's! because she is having nightmares and she cries in the middle of night, by yelling not to take her away from me...

Mar is worried about us, she's acting strong for us but I can see through her facade, that she is petrified and I blame myself! because she didn't deserve these things, because of me she's staying with us and if something happens to her then I'll not be Able to forgive myself...

On the other hand, I'm very depressed because everytime our door bell rings I jerk stood up fearing! what if the men were back? I thought to complain this matter to cops but mehr insisted that Mr.king has already took care of the matter..

Whenever I hear his name! my blood begins to boil, I hate the man from the depth of my heart! because of that person my families peace is ruined, for which I will never forgive him!...

Naina is currently in school and zoyi called and told me that, she'll pick up naina and treat her to ice-cream as it'll keep her away from her thoughts and accident, my poor baby was so petrified!...

It was past afternoon and time for my (maghrib) dusk salah! I started praying in my cabin, solely concentrating on my prayer after completing it, I started chanting ( subhanallah 33 times Alhamdulillah 33 times Allahu Akbar 34 times and astagfirullah 100 times and lastly completed it with darud e Ibrahim 10 times) after completing my dikhr, I raised my hands in dua...

I asked anything and everything from Allah and asked him to guide me to straight path and never lessen my imaan (faith in him),asked him to give me strength and grant jannah for us and for the deceased people and to reunite our loved ones in jannah! I asked to heal baby Ziya as I can't see her sufferings...

After completing my suplication and crying my heart out! I completed my prayer and closed my prayer rug and kept it on the table...

I checked the last patient for the day and she was doing OK! but the last chemo session has drained her energy and she has become weak, Agata was very strong woman when she first started chemo for her breast cancer but as the days passed her level of confidence has been getting lower and lower...

I just shook the incident out of my head, when she was witnessing her hair loss severely, as the side effects of her chemo session and she cried that day and her being bald head disturbed her mental peace..

For a women! her hair is the priciest possession and the hurt look on her face, churned my stomach making me shook the thoughts away...

I exited her ward and she was set to go to home, her husband was very supportive of her in her whole process! her cancer cells has decreased to a extent, we can only hope for the best...

I took off the coat and stethoscope away from my body and placed it on my bag, then I exited my cabin, I signed at the reception desk then headed out of the hospital...

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