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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Third person's pov :

It's been two days and still no clue about the whereabouts of Aina, kings search squad was spread all over the suspected countries but still nothing.

Just one day more until Emanuel finish his promise of killing Aina and Amaan was still clueless about the puzzle? he wrecked his brain but he got no answer?

Where it all started?

The once lively mansion looked lifeless because Aina was not there, smile was vanished from everyone's faces, everyone was worried for their Queen's well-being.

All the workers were fond of Aina because of her kindness and soft nature, she never raised her voice at anyone she treated everyone with utmost respect that Made everyone adore her.

She was a ball of sunshine as zamy said, she was their happiness but alas it was no where to be found Now! the most disturbed and heartbroken person was her husband.

It's been three days since he started searching for her like a mad man, he had always been a calm and collected person in every tough situation since his childhood but now nothing made sense to him, until he'll have Aina in his arms his soul will not rest but the Main question is where is she?

He didn't ate any of his meals properly, only living his life on caffeine, no one dared to force him because he was like a raging storm no one was able to control him.

How could he eat when he doesn't know if his angel ate anything or not?  If she's fine or not ? In What condition she'll be now? All these questions making him difficult to breath.

He took his phone and looked at Aina's smiling face a faint smile on his lips " I'm sorry angel please forgive your hell devil he couldn't protect you! " Amaans voice broke as he kissed her pic with so much affection, gosh! if only she was with him now he wouldn't have fought with her, he'll never take her for granted anymore.

He learned his lessons well and now he's regretting it, he can only pray for her safety now.... pray? That felt strange on his lips, if he prayed to Allah will he keep her safe even after he committed all the sins? his faith was still weak!

His eyes were blood shot red due to lack of sleep, he can't sleep because his angel will be living in nightmare, he can only hope for her safety but little did he know it's too much to ask for.

" Boss our prime suspect is that he's around the chemical plantation on the outskirts of Hamptons ! " Liam and Nathan entered the base, where all the hackers were busy tracing the locations without a wink of sleep.

Amaans body alarmed at the mention " our detectives and agents have informed that many of his men were spotted outside the plantation, especially Mike his most trusted second in command!" Nathan said but still amaan was not sure because they haven't seen Emanuel it may be his trap to capture him?

" Amaan...... sister in laws location that we was last traced near the plantation and now the signal is entirely gone! " Samar completed as he took of his headset and corrected his glasses.

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