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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy.  .


Amaan's pov :

I was in the middle of our half yearly Board meeting, while the board reviews key performance indicators such as annual sales, market share segmentation, revenues and expenditures for the year, customer satisfaction and ongoing research and development, marketing and expansion projects.

I was never ever distracted in my board meetings before but the entire situation is different now. I was not able to concentrate on the papers in my hand, my mind refuses to listen...

But I shook my head and gave my full concentration on the meeting and it went on and on for the next three hours as we took a break for 15 minutes " Are you OK bro? " zamy asked with a frown on his face..

" I'm fine zamy! " I waved my hands as it was not a big deal but we both know that I was not " We are going to finish this for once and all! " he stated as his eyes held a promise in the depth of those light grey eyes which resembles steel and I know what he was talking about " We are! " a devilish smirk formed on my face and he gave me his infamous grin..

" We have a good news! " zamy entered my cabin with Zaim and Samar followed by Liam and Nathan..

I closed the file and placed it on the brown wooden desk and closed my fountain pen which has the letter K with a crown on top engraved on the pen...

" Just what I wanted! " I took the file from him and nodded ..

" what are you going to do now bud? " Zaim asked as his brows were narrowed in confusion..

" As usual I'm go to have fun with them! " I stood up and buttoned the centre button of my blazer, as zamy smirked with an evil glint in his eyes which mirrored mine equally..

I marched out of my cabin and Nathan pressed my private lift to open and we entered as it took us to basement, I was planning all the possible things in my mind which I'm going to do them, if they don't open their mouths tonight..

Every cell IN my body is out for blood!

Zaim left for his home, while Liam drove my car to the base and the sun was setting down as the darkness engulfed it little by little, like sealing victory over the light that no one can escape darkness as it will engulf you.

Like how my soul is drenched in darkness, turning me into a monster which I'm..

The familiar forest came into my view as I closed my MacBook and he opened the door for me and we entered the base, I straight went inside my cabin and removed my tie and blazer and hung it on the leather swivel chair, opening the cuff links and folding my sleeves till elbow and I cracked my knuckles, zamy had already went inside the torture room to begin the play...

The familiar ear piercing screams was coming from the dark torture room, as soon as I entered my nostrils was hit with the pungent smell of blood smoke and sweat.

Zamy had shoved a screwdriver in his shoulder blade which let the rat the traitor who stabbed our back cursing and writhing in pain, as zamy twisted it not-so-gently..

"Tsk.. tsk... You shouldn't be so hard on the rat zamy! " I pulled the screwdriver out of his shoulder blade in a swift which made the blood seep out and he cried in pain...

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