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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Cough **cough** someone is back;)


Third persons pov :

Amaan was more than pissed off with those bas*ards, as he expected he never told him the full part of their confidential meeting and it was not on Sunday but on Tuesday! four days earlier to Sunday...

he came to Italy not only for this but also for his deals with the Italian government! He wanted to acquire their refinery by hook or crook, it's very hard to make them accept to his proposal but nothing is impossible to kings! he's not backing down until he acquire their refinery of oil field..

It all went good until ' the rat ' decided that he wants to die by playing hide and seek with cat but what he didn't know? was that the rat was already fallen into the trap..

As per his orders! everyone was in position to make those bas*ards surrender and he was here with zamy dealing with the officials and ilham was holding all the necessary files, his one ear had Bluetooth connected with Liam and he was giving him regular updates on each and every movement of them ...

While Amaan was in his business deal, Liam and Nathan were the head to lead the team to catch the rat alive in any cost, they were seated on their back Range Rover with tinted glass, all were in black tees and black leather jacket it was their sign as to show who they really are! all their back jacket had a sign D carved in silver with a skull by just looking on them one can say who they are!

As per their little birdy told, the rat was inside the Dark Knight club unknown to him that he was enjoying his last days in heaven! as the Devil Lucifer is waiting for him in hell, to unleash his wrath...

It was past eight, when their meeting ended in favour of Amaan as per his tactics and plan, he acquired the refinery to continue his world domination in power and authority! one thing Amaan learned in his life in the most cruel way, is that if you didn't have enough power and money, people will push you to till death end!...

It was a clear imprint on his head, lessons taught can be forgotten but the lessons learned cannot be forgotten! ..

" congratulazioni Signor re, hai trovato l'affare ! " (congratulations Mr. King ,you've got the deal !) " Mr. Romano said in his thick Italian accent nervously because no one dares to mess with the king, just his presence screams power, success and dominance! the air around him exuded danger and unpredictability, that no one dared to cross his path especially his enemies! when he walks in, the room seemed to shrink because no space is big enough to have him...

His frosty cold glare is enough to freeze the whole hell, he remains calm and collected in the most pissing and dangerous situation, that his calmness make them shook with fear! it was the clear indication the more he remains calm the more damage it cause, it was like calm before storm..

" dimmi qualcosa so nuovo, Signor Romano! " (tell me something new Mr. Romano! ) he said In his deep cold voice that send shiver down his spine, in business he shows no mercy! it's just business for him!...

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