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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Let's go...


Third person's pov :

" But how did you guys survived and how you entered dark world Amaan? " Aina questioned , as he was calm now after his emotional breakdown which never ever happened before.

Amaan looked at her favourite pairs of Amber which he has grown so attached to, looking at him with empathy and compassion,even after he told her that he couldn't save her Zee, yet she's still with him looking at him like he's the most strong person she ever saw in her whole life which made his heart beat fastened.

He wiped her tears which kept on falling from her eyes like waterfalls, he kissed her palm with so much affection ..


After Emanuel killed his sister in front of Amaan, he released Amaan from the Chains and he had no energy left in his body, he couldn't even walk but he crawled on the concrete floor which scraped his entire body which was already bruised from everywhere.

He kneeled in front of her chair on which she was tied and now sat lifeless, he shook her shoulders lightly " Zee look at me...  Look I'm here, open your eyes.. Zee..! " Amaan tapped her cheeks but she was already gone, blood was dripping from her wounds..

" I won't ever fight with zamy, I won't tease him, I'll be fine if you say you love zamy more than me but please open your eyes! " he begged his lifeless sister, when the reality dawned on him that she's never going to wake up, he hugged her tight he was still in trauma that blocked his senses, he couldn't even cry because of the shock.

When the door opened and they threw a Bloody zamy on the floor, who looked almost done with his life with bruises and cuts covered his whole body, Amaan broke the hug and again crawled on the floor shaking an almost done zamy " Zamy open your eyes.. Look at me..... zamy! " he yelled and zamy opened his eyes lightly and smiled at him weakly, tears were flowing from zamy's eyes when he looked at zees lifeless form, he hugged Amaan tight and cried loudly in his neck " Zee...  Give me Zee back bro, I won't fight with you please bring Zee back, I can't live without her! " zamy wailed loudly both knew it can never happen, it's impossible.

" Everything will be OK! " Amaan tried to convince himself more than zamy, his strength was leaving his body, he was barely able to keep his eyes open and just like that he fell on the floor as the exhaustion was taking over his body, before he closed his eyes zamy's panicked eyes was the last thing he saw and the sounds of guns firing and yelling, before he surrenderd to darkness..

The sound of something beeping was heard as he was regaining his consciousness bit by bit then he observed his surroundings it was calm and he felt some weight were keeping his eyes closed but with a lot of efforts he summoned his eyes to open and when he opened his eyes, it stung from the bright lights, he blinked several times to get adjusted to the lightings then he noticed that he was in a hospital, he was connected to the ivs and machines, he wanted to move his hands but it felt numb he couldn't do anything his throat was sore and a nurse came in to check him up and she was shocked to see him awake..

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