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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Grab a tissue to wipe Aina's tears; (


Aina's pov :

I groaned and opened my eyes as soon as the sun lights hit my face, I closed the curtains last night ain't I? I clutched my head as it was paining from my continuous crying last night! I rubbed my forehead to ease the ache then I read the dua after waking up...

Then my eyes landed on the jacket which was placed on the sofa in the living area section in my room. I stood up and made my bed then I took my hijab and went towards the sofa

 I stood up and made my bed then I took my hijab and went towards the sofa

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I took the jacket and it's my hell devils but why it's placed outside? did someone take it out? but no one enters our room without permission! then my bulb lightened, he's back! Oh Allah he's back!Took you long enough! my conscience mocked I just ...

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I took the jacket and it's my hell devils but why it's placed outside? did someone take it out? but no one enters our room without permission! then my bulb lightened, he's back! Oh Allah he's back!Took you long enough! my conscience mocked I just ignored it..

Unknown warmth spread in my heart knowing that he's back... I ran to my washroom brushed my mouth and washed my face then I tied my hijab around my head after securing my auburn hair in a low bun, I rushed out of my room but the main question where is he? Think Aina think!...

Obviously In his study duh!... My conscience again mocked but I was thankful for it...

I literally ran, my heart was beating 100 miles per second but the happiness of seeing him overwhelmed my emotions! I didn't bother to knock and I straight entered his study, the rest of the house was modern but with a touch of vintage style but his study was pure old fashioned....

My heart beat was racing and there he was standing in all his glory looking impeccably handsome as ever! he was talking on the phone and his back was to me but in the sound of door opening he turned around and we both stilled! my Amber ones boring into his steel ones trying to absorb him, trying to drink his appearance...

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