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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies. ...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

The book is finally coming to an end =(

Countdown begins : 3


Third person's pov :


Days passed by like wind but Amaan never left Aina's side for once since he got her back, he was sticking to her side all the time like shadow.

Her condition remained the same, she was not responding to anything, she was like a robot looking at him blankly, her eyes were empty, no emotion showed in her face.

The drugs had numbed her senses, but Amaan didn't lose hope, he knew she'll be back to him, she has got used to amaans presence, she identifies his touch now.

She is not screaming or running away from him like she used to do in the start, she has started to get used to his presence, she wasn't able to sleep in the earlier days always crying in pain or from nightmares.

Amaan will cradle her in his lap rocking her back and forth, cooing sweet nothings in her ears that will calm her and lull her to sleep.

He'll tell her about their stories, how they met how he used to be cold towards her how she'll call him hell devil! But she'll look at him blankly.

" Aina come back to me please! " he pleaded her cupping her face and she was looking at him with empty eyes, he smiled weakly and kissed her forehead.

She is slowly acknowledging naina, Mar and zoya the most disturbed person was naina, their little princess was shocked to see her mama looking at her like stranger.

She was hurt that her mama will scream whenever she tried to hug her, naina cried hysterically in amaans arms, her little heart can't bear the pain.

Amaan was torn he couldn't see the two most precious girls in his life hurting, he cajoled naina that her mama is sick she'll be alright and she should pray to Allah and she'll nod at him.

Daniel and zamy took care of the whole business while Amaan fully concentrated on Aina, their number one priority is to bring Aina back.

Everybody was saddened seeing her condition, but her lack of response didn't lessened amaans hope, he was determined to make her remember.

" Angel remember you'll scold me for spoiling naina too much, you'll say she's becoming like me! " amaan said looking at her eyes but as usual she was silent..

" You remember you'll glare at me for giving naina extra hazelnut bar! " he asked chuckling remembering the time.

" Amaan! "

Amaan was shocked she called his name, first time in the past six weeks, he was gaping like a fish out of water, He couldn't control the happiness he felt, He was grinning from ear to ear that his cheeks were hurting from the continuous smile.

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