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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..

Let's go lovelies..

Long chappy;)


Aina's pov :

I finished my maghrib (dusk) salah and after doing my dikhr and making dua I folded the prayer rug and kept it on the shelf properly...

While I kept the rug my eyes caught the reflection of my beautiful grey quartz ring in hexagon shape with cut out band followed by tiny diamonds which was carved very well or I can say my wedding ring which he forcefully slid it on my finger...

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I was so engrossed in my thought, that I didn't knew? when my Lil munchkin fell asleep, I pulled the duvet over her tiny form and kissed her forehead and he also kissed her forehead at the same spot, where I kissed...

I looked at him shocked and it felt strange but when he looked at me! all the warmth slid out of his eyes and his face was devoid of emotions...

" we need to talk! " I said, looking in his eyes..

He just turned on his heels and exited the room and my mouth hung open..

Can this person act like normal, will he??

Such a jerk!! Ugh!!

I dimmed the room light and exited her room and then ran in the direction where he had gone and I entered my OK! OK! our room, he was removing his blazer and then began to remove his cuff links, I averted my gaze...

" are you deaf or what? can't you hear me ? " I asked, irritatedly..

He put his hands on his pants pocket and turned around to look at me and stared at my face with a different emotion...

" speak! " he stated arrogantly..

" I want to know why did you marry me? And this time you have to answer it! " I said, with finalty in my tone..

He just looked amused, he neared me and I took my steps back and he began to walk in my direction and my heart was drumming in my chest and my back hit the wall and he caged me, by sandwiching me between him and the wall....

I gulped in fear, he stood uncomfortably very close to me, his breath fanning my lips, I looked up-to him he was too tall for my height...

" wh-what are you doing? Move! " I said, stuttering while he smirked at my direction...

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