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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Third person's pov :

The sky was dark, no traces of stars or moon on the sky, the atmosphere was chilly, street lamps lightening the dark atmosphere and in the middle of the road Amaan was walking aimlessly with no guards or securities around him.

He wanted to be alone, he doesn't want to see anyone, he couldn't look at his angels face, his guilt was overwhelming him. He wanted to hurt himself so bad, because of him his angel got hurt.

He was a lost soul, he didn't tried to wipe his tears that were flowing out from his eyes continuously he had acted all mighty and strong since his childhood, he never showed anyone his weakeness, he mastered in everything, he was untouchable by his enemies, he conquered everything the world looked at him in wonder how can a person be so ruthless and dangerous..

Because he rules the entire business world, he's never afraid of anything he had no weakness but what everyone didn't know is that Every king was once a baby!..

Everyone envied Amaan for being successful and being a respected personality among people, they didn't know the pain he had gone through in his life, when every child was playing with their friends he was getting trained to be a leader, when every child had the freedom to do whatever they wanted he was destined to become a king one day, he had no choices in life..

he was feeling numb! full of emotions pain, love, guilt, anger which he couldn't control all the things swiveling around his head making him feel dizzy! he hadn't eaten anything from the last three days properly...

He fell on his knees as he screamed in pain and suffering " why my life has to be so fu*ked up! Why?  Can't I have a normal life? " he screamed looking at the sky..

He was devasted all these years pent-up frustration was bursting out he didn't cared if he is vulnerable or weak at this moment he was tired of being strong always..

" You already took Zee from me and made me go through hell every single day and now you want to take my angel from me? That's not fair! " he yelled still looking at the sky...

" I stopped believing in you because when I needed you the most you abondened me! you didn't helped me you just let me to get hurt!.." he yelled as he banged his fist on the road, crying hard...

Someone tapped his shoulder as he looked at the person who was disturbing his private moment and his brows quivered seeing an old man with a long beard who was wearing a thobe in the middle of the night " Why are you crying young man? Don't worry Allah will ease your pain Insha Allah! " the old man consoled him..

He snorted and laughed humorlessly " I stopped believing in him, after all he's the one who made my life painful enough to let alone breathe peacefully! he took everyone I love from me and now he's trying to take the last ray of light from my life too! " Amaan gritted his teeth to which the old man smiled weakly..

" That's not true your lips utter that you don't believe in him but somewhere deep in your heart knows that it's not true! you're complaining to him because you know he's the one who can help you, he's the one who can give back peace in your life !"

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