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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy....

Big twist awaits for you;)...

Get a grip...


Aina's pov :

" you'll be fine Agata don't worry! " I said, smilingly...

" I hope so! " she smiled weakly at me and I just nodded, then I gestured the nurse to start the process of her 7th session of docetaxal chemo, for her breast cancer...

She was responding well to it but now her body has weaken a lot! compared to the last time and her husband seemed to be worried a lot, he appears tough in front of her but he cries alone outside the room...

I looked at Agata, who was seated on the recliner sofa, with her head scarf wrapped around her head, with pale face cold mittens and wire coolers placed on her hands and feet to reduce the harm to her nails but Her smile remained on her pretty face...

During her session, her husband was constantly supporting her, that she can do this and she'll fight the cancer and I smiled seeing their blooming love, that's true love! I thought! After her session was over, she seemed OK but not in good state, it had drained her energy a lot after sometime, she left the hospital with her husband...

I removed my surgical mask and checked on another patient and my day spent like that, not to forget the bodyguards who don't let me out of their sight even for a minute, yes! the devil assigned bodyguards for me 24/7 and they were 6 in number..

I was pissed off at him for doing this to me, I put up a good fight with him then only he reduced to two in number! he said he can't risk the life of kings clan daughter in law...


I was just checking on the patient, when the emergency alarm rang from the ICCU unit, where baby Ziya was in and she has not regained her consciousness yet...

I ran in to her room with zoyi and John following me right behind, all the nurses where checking on her..

" she's going under cardiac arrest! I repeat she's going under cardiac arrest! " yelled a nurse..

" doctor, we are losing her! She's not breathing, her pulse is dropping considerably! " another nurse said, with panicked eyes..

" we can't give her electrical cardioversion! " zoyi said, in haste..

" cardiopulmonary Resusciation (CPR)" I applied pressure on her chest with my interlocked fingers, giving compression to her rhythm...

Zoyi filled the syringe with drug and injected vasopressin to ziya, Her parents were crying outside and we were doing our best..

The rise and fall of her chest was slowing down, John was placing oxygen mask for her to inhale but she's not responding at all and soon her ECG (electrocardiogram heart monitoring machine) went FLATLINE with the fall of her life...

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