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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu....

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aina's pov :

After the embarrassment I faced at the dinner table, I elbowed hard to zoyi for making me choke. I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me to save me from her teasings.

" You were gone to find the truth but look Now, you lost yourself to him! " these were the exact words of her with the teasing glint in her eyes as she pulled my cheeks which were already red.

" Like you didn't stole a look at zamy? " I fired back and smirked, when I saw her eyes widened as she coughed to cover up.

" what are you talking about I didn't do such things? " she countered back looking away from my eyes.

" Who are you trying to fool darlo..  I've seen it with my own eyes! " I retorted while putting the stethoscope in my hospital bag.

" Did you try the new banoffee pie which Mar made with a twist brushing berry compote? " she questioned and I know she's a pro when it comes to changing the topic.

" Oh yeah it's zamy's favorite! already getting to know his favourites huh? " if she thinks she's smart then I'm over smart and she huffed in annoyance but a smile was betraying her lips gotcha baby.

" Aina please...! " she pleaded and I grinned " OK I won't tease you until ---- I won't tease you! " she completed and I nodded with satisfaction, thanks to my hell devil because his habits are rubbing off on me in manipulation!

" Angel... I want to show you something! " Amaan entered the room while looking for me, he never hesitates to call me angel in front of anyone but I'm the one who blushes everytime and he always stands proud and tall like nothing could affect him, zoya took this as a cue to leave us alone.

He stood in front of me " you know? you don't have to call me Angel infront of everyone! " I asked him while correcting his slightly crooked tie as he snaked his both arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, our bodies crushed together and I gasped.

" Why can't I call? I'm not ashamed to admit that you're my angel, let it be alone or in front of everyone, I don't care if they think I'm being corny or completely whipped but all that matters to me is... you! " my heart fluttered at his honest opinion, this hell devil surely knows how to make me speechless.

Tears brimmed my eyes because of his sweet gestures and I'm so overwhelmed that I've been blessed with such a good man as my husband indeed my lord is the best!

He panicked seeing tears in my eyes " Hey.. Why are you crying angel did I say something wrong? Don't cry!"  he wiped my tears hastily and I chuckled.

" Nothing is wrong it's just that I'm so happy !" I smiled and he groaned " you're happy and you are crying? " he asked like a clueless Man.

" it's happy tears silly! " I smacked his head little while laughing of how cute he looked, while asking me like a baby.

" You know? no one has dared to call me silly and no one has smacked my head over years? " he questioned while raising a brow as a devilish grin was forming on his face.

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