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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies....

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Third person's pov :

The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene as the sunrays poured through the window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations in amaans life.

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands as a groan escaped his lips, he blinked it open and mumbled the dua of waking up, his eyes landed on his sleeping Beauty who had no intention to wake up anytime soon, leaving him yearning to look at those tantalizing Amber orbs which will warm his soul.

It's been three days since they saved her and yet she had not awake, she's in a deep sleep due to the overdosed drugs which she had been injected, he caressed her cheeks softly with his thumbs as a small smile played on his lips.

Amaan was sleeping beside her closely, his arm holding her waist not tight enough to hurt her but strong enough to assure him that she's with him and that he's not dreaming.

He was tensed when she had not opened her eyes the next day, he began to threaten the doctors with their lives but after zoyi explaining to him about her condition he calmed down a little but still he was and is worried sick about her health, just the thought that she'll not remember him was paining his heart.

He pecked her nose and he was glad that the color of her lips had returned, she's was not as pale as before, her body was beginning to gain it's color, "
Until when you'll punish your hell devil huh? Come back to me my angel please! " he pleaded her softly as he buried his face in her auburn hair and inhaled her scent, he placed a soft kiss on her neck as he stood up, he got showered and changed quickly in his outfit as his princess will be here any minute..

The most troubled person was naina who wants to be held by her mama, when she saw Aina sleeping on the bed she was trying to wake her up by calling her, amaans eyes watered, tears filled nainas eyes, when she doesn't woke up even after nth time calling, she'll wake up to one call from naina back in the days.

She ran and hugged amaan tightly he consoled his princess as she sobbed in his chest, it was frightening her, he explained to her that her mama is sick and she's in a deep sleep and Insha Allah she'll wake up soon she nodded her head at him like she understood, from then onwards she has stick by his side all the time never leaving him even for once, Amaan had become a full time dad for her as she'll never eat without him, he was tending to her personal needs like how Aina does always.

" Daddy! " nainas voice rang in the room as he came out wearing a faded blue jeans and a V-neck black full sleeves T-shirt which was hugging his muscles, it was rare to see amaan in normal clothing, as he's always seen in his business suit, his wounds were also healing..

" Yes princess! " he looked up to her as she was wearing same jeans as him and beige top she looked beautiful just like her mother, he kissed her forehead as he scooped her in his arms to which she giggled.

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