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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Let's go...


Aina's pov:

I groaned and rubbed my eyes feeling a light headache making its way but I felt something heavy on my waist, finally I was able to open my eyes only to directly come in contact with my little angel who was snuggling into me seeking warmth but what shocked me was that Amaans hand was holding my waist possessively like if he let it go, I'll disappear...

We both were sleeping on our bed with naina inbetween us, it's the first time ever that we slept together in the whole three weeks of our marriage but it felt awkward now, then yesterdays memory rushed into my mind, how I had a break down in front of him, how he held me tightly in his arms and consoled me like a baby, I blushed at the thought, never in my life I was that close to any man except him....

He was sleeping peacefully then suddenly he stirred, I was shocked! what if he caught me staring at him but he just buried his face deep in the pillow, he was not that heartless or cruel as I thought! in fact their is more to that cold exterior and I promise to bring it back, I don't know why? but I'm not able to hate him anymore, I know he forcefully married me without my consent but he never imposed himself on me...

He take good care of naina and Mar including me, though we are at each others throat fighting like mad people but he still cares and now I came into a conclusion, that he's not the cold conceited jerk as he shows the world! he looks like an angel when he's asleep but he becomes devil, the moment he's awake...

I slowly detached myself from naina and went inside the washroom to do my business then I took a shower and came out and the sight just filled my heart with happiness! naina was sleeping on his chest and he had wrapped his arms around her like he'll protect her from the entire world, I pulled the duvet over them and made my way to our walk in closet, it was past 7 am in the morning and I was off from my obligatory prayers now, I changed into a simple outfit and blow dried my hair then I pinned my hijab and moved to the kitchen to make some breakfast for my family..

I climbed down the stairs and entered the kitchen, where the maids were preparing breakfast

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I climbed down the stairs and entered the kitchen, where the maids were preparing breakfast..

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