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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Let's go;)


Aina's pov :

Regan was immediately taken to perform a surgery to remove the bullets in his shoulders, I was still shaking from fear that just few minutes ago.. I would've been taken away by them but Alhamdulillah! I was safe but Regan and Prescott got hurt because of me! I felt so bad!...

I felt like crying! my mind was filling with questions who are they? why they wanted to take me? how do they know that I and Amaan are married? thousand of questions were running on my mind! I thought I'll go crazy...

Prescott was also given immediate attention! she was not shot but they have stabbed knife on her thigh when they were fighting both had bruises on their faces and cut lips..

I don't want any of that to happen, ya Allah what is happening with us ? Zaim bro came immediately after he heard the news and mehr was with him too.. he was so angry! I've never seen him this angry ever since we met..

" Aina how are you? are you fine? did you got hurt? " mehr asked me, worriedly! while hugging me tightly I just tightened my hold on her...

" shh.. Aini don't cry! I know you're terrified but Alhamdulillah! you're safe! " she said rubbing my back, I was always the sensitive and crybaby of the house, Zain will always console me whenever I cry! I miss my twin...

" yes.. I-I'm safe but Regan and Prescott got hurt! " I said wiping my tears, she smiled at me weakly...

" you should be thankful that they are safe now and are out of danger! Allah forbid if they were able to take you away then Amaan had made their state beyond any one can imagine! it's nothing compared to what he would've done to them but they saved you and did their duty very well! so, this is going to stop him from unleashing his wrath on them but they'll get a earful from him, for sure! " she said smiling at me, while caressing my cheek...

I shook my head her smiling a little with tear stricken face, she touched my wrist and I hissed! it was bleeding my wrist had the imprints of his fingers his nails dug into my skin making small cuts on my wrist and blood was coming out, I didn't noticed it until she touched my hand..

" Subhanallah! it's bleeding aini, you need to get dressing for it, come! " she yelled doctor and Dr. Becky she immediately came to my aid and started doing dressing of my wrist and wrapped the gauze roll around my wrist after applying the antiseptic and placing a cotton pad...

" naina and minu are playing in the play room, don't worry about her! Maria is taking care of them ! " she said and I nodded my head...

After half an hour, they had finished the surgery! Regan was out of danger the bullets did not burst his major arteries otherwise it would've cause major problems and Prescott was also safe! both were unconscious as the doctor gave them sedative...

We came out of the east wing and walked towards our personal wing in the north side! no one comes to that wing as it's their boss! only maria and Ben is allowed to step in and not all the time, only when he wants them...

" aini go take a warm shower, it'll relax your sore muscles! I'll check on the dinner ! " she said handing me the bath robe from my walk in closet and took out from her and nodded my head, I entered the washroom and looked at myself in the mirror! my jaw had the imprints of his fingers, I have a sensitive skin the skin below the side of my lips had turned light violet.. it stung when I touched it, I wrapped a plastic Bandaid around my wrist and got under the warm shower, the warm water relaxed my tensed muscles ...

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