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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Amaan's pov :

I looked at the man standing in front of me tall and proud with a neutral expression on his tired face, the person I loathe the most in this entire planet, the man I hate to call him as my dad.

All the emotions which I have Suppressed till now sprang back like a hot volcano ready to burst any minute but I know how to keep myself in check, I won't let my years of training go waste.

" Why are you here? did you came to see if we're still alive or dead father? " his nerve ticked on hearing father because I call him father like mocking him.

" Will you guys listen to me ever, even for once?  " he asked his voice was deep but it was mellowed down like he can't fight us anymore and that's true! because Now he can't, we're not kids anymore, who keep yearning for their fathers attention even just for once.

" And why do you think we'll listen to you and give you a chance to explain!" zamy mocked but anyone can't miss the venom dripping in his voice because he loathed our father more than me, not having mama and our father from his early life made him more bitter than me.

" I know you both hate me but I just want a chance to explain even when I know you both will never forgive me for my mistakes and I'm not worthy of your forgiveness! " he explained in a low voice.

"Tsk.. Tsk .. Now Now hate is a small word, what we feel for you is loathe! I hate the fact that I'm your son! " zamy seethed closing his eyes because we still blame ourselves and our father for not saving our Zee.

Just her name brought an innumerable ache in my heart, even Now I'm not over her death yet, it's been twelve years but her lifeless form refuse to fade away from my eyes.

He exhaled heavily like all his strength faded away and he suddenly looked older, his shoulders dropped which were always broad and high. He was a great business man and the most ruthless when it comes to business but a total sh*tty father when comes to his children's.

" We are not interested of whatever you want to say because no matter what you say, we cannot bring Zee back, we lost her forever! " the mention of Zee made him stiffen and his blue eyes turned sombre.

" I agree we cannot bring Zee back but she's not the one whom I had lost years ago,I lost both of my sons too! " his voice was hoarse like burdened by guilt and shame.

" You never had your sons to lose them in the first place! " I said with no emotion on my face and zamy smiled sarcastically agreeing with me.

" Now Cedric do the honors to take your master back to his mansion because we have some very important things to attend rather than wasting our time here in utter nonsense! " zamy said ever so sweetly in his sickening tone and Cedric our fathers loyal PA took him back, we watched as he looked back at us, with a sigh he turned and exited the mansion with heavy steps.

Zamy ran a hand on his hair because I know he was frustrated, we were already tired from last nights late work and the confrontation with him made my head pounding, I shook my head and straightly went inside my room, where Aina was lost in her thoughts sitting on the couch I can see the worry In her eyes.

I loosened my tie and removed my blazer, I threw it on the bed and sat beside my angel on the couch, she smiled when she saw me and just like that her smile made all my fatigue fade away.

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