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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy....

Long chappy ahead! Enjoy;)

Here you go;)


Third person's pov :

The sounds of birds chirping at the far end was heard, as the sun peeked through the curtains of their room! making the chill yet calm atmosphere to be disturbed, as the sun rays fell on Amaan's face! he groaned as it was disturbing his peaceful sleep which he slept, after a very long time (literally years)..

He groaned as the headache was making its way to appear but he felt himself snuggling to something or accurately someone! then his senses alarmed him as he summoned his eyes to open, his vision was blurry that made him to blink several times to see clearly...

It felt normal! because he was sleeping on his bed in his room but his chest felt heavy! when he looked down his eyes widened! as the red head beauty was sprawled over him, she was clutching his tees tightly in her fists, while lost in her dreamland but he was shocked to see them both in this position...

He gently released himself from her encircled arms as not to wake her up and placed her head back on the pillow, then he supported his head on his hand while laying beside her and pushed her auburn hair aside and tucked the strands behind her ear, he looked at her sleeping face she looked like an angel sleeping in his arms! those long lashes kissing her cheeks, Cherry lips pouted and those chubby cheeks made her irresistible not to forget those fierce Amber eyes which always ignite fire in his steel like grey eyes!...

His angel!

He tried to remember what happened between them last night? that made them his comfortable but nothing came into his mind! he was unconsciously caressing her soft cheeks in a very gentle manner to which she snuggled in his chest deeper! her cute act did something strange in his art...

He always wanted to hold her this close to him and to never let her go! but he didn't understand why he was acting or feeling like these towards her? he wants to be selfish! he wanted her all to himself! but his one selfish action can cost her, her life! for her he has to maintain distance between them, even it kills him but he has to do it for her sake!...

He likes her! that's for sure, he knows that he's attracted to her! he likes her witty comebacks, fierce nature! I-don't-give-a-damn kinda attitude like she was born-to-break-rules! but what he sees is just the 20% of it, the rest is in recessive but he promised her to bring her old carefree self back he loves to see her happy...

A stupid smile was plastered on his handsome face remembering his angels antiques! before he can understand what he was doing ? he had already dipped his head and kissed the corner of her lips, he had this strange urge to taste those cherry lips like an unquenchable thrist but if he kisses her he knows she'll be mad and will hate him more! but he can't control himself, whenever he is near to her...

Shaking the thoughts away glancing a last look to her face, he stood up and went towards the washroom and stripped himself and got under the steaming hot shower, the hot water was able to sooth his headache then he tried to remember what happened last night? then slowly he was able to remember that how he kissed her and cuddled her to sleep and most importantly when he asked stupidly that will she allow him to kiss her and her answer stunned him..

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