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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy....


Third person's pov :

It was the most difficult task for Amaan to open up, which he doesn't do at all to anyone! since that incident happened he never told a soul about it.

Sometimes reliving those moments can cause such a mental breakdown which will cause a havoc in your life, which he doesn't want it because he doesn't like to be weak! he hates to be vulnerable, he hates the look of pity in anyone's eyes for him.

In his years of training, one thing which he has excelled was to mask his emotions well, no one can say what's running his mind, But his cold facade didn't last in front of Aina she's the only one to see through his soul.

But he has to fight his inner demons which haunts him day and night..

He took deep breaths to calm himself down Aina intertwined her fingers with his to which he smiled lightly despite his inner turmoil his Angel knows how to assure him.

12 years ago...

" stop irritating me zamy if  you don't stop your whining I'll surely lock you in your room! " an annoyed teenage Amaan chided his little brother who was busy in annoying him.

" you cheated you always do this I never win! " zamy whined holding his PSP and he again lost the game to which Amaan just smirked.

" liar I never cheat you don't know how to play so don't blame me! " he mocked at his younger brother who huffed and crossed his arms.

" No I know to play but you always win! " he grumbled he was repeating this same line over and over to annoy him elder brother.

" you win this game but know this Zee love me more than you! " zamy mocked Amaan as his eyes held the satisfaction.

" In your dreams zamy! Zee loves me more than you, after all I'm her favorite brother! " he counter attacked zamys face flushed with anger because he loves his sister more than Amaan.

" Zeeeeeeeeeee..... " zamy shrieked as he wanted to prove that Zee loves zamy more than Amaan.

" Wallahi...  What's with the yelling zamy? " a melodic voice greeted them as she entered the playroom both their heads turned to see their elder sister standing with both her hands on her hip with a raised brow, her greyish blue eyes glaring at both of them.

" Zee.. look bro is teasing me again, he didn't play fair and he said you love him more than me! " zamy whined as he stood from his bean bag and marched towards Zee.

Zaishas eyes softened, after zamy was born a year later their mother passed away in her sleep peacefully, zamy never witnessed the love of a mother as he didn't spent time with her like his two elder siblings unfortunately.

Since then zaisha was like a mother figure to them, zamy was six years and Amaan was four years younger to her. zamy can never stand Zee talking or caring towards anyone except him or his bro, he was so possessive of his sister being the youngest he gets what he wants.

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