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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy.....

A very long chappy for you guys;)..

Get ready some things gonna change;)..


Third person's pov :

It was a chilly day in the morning as the winter season was on its peak, soon snow would start to fall making the temperature to considerably fall in minus degrees...

It was a pleasant morning as the sound of birds chirping can be heard from afar, Sun peaking through the clouds making the chilly atmosphere tolerable and nainas winter holidays had started so both munchkins were happy and playing all day with each other or always wrapped around their mothers embrace....

The morning was pleasant but not for the two lost souls who were lost in their own world! nothing made sense to them as their heart was not in peace, both were restless, tired! fighting against each other, both wanted to be free from misery and pain but unfortunately fate was not in their favour...

Amaan was out for his usual morning jog around his estate with his water bottle in his hand, he was running in an extremely fast pace the feel of wind gushing against his skin caused his adrenaline to pump in and he was running as if someone is chasing him but that was not partially lie because his past was chasing him like his shadow! not leaving him in peace even for a second...

It was a Sunday morning, so Amaan had not gone to his office! It was a rare thing for him because he even works on Sunday, poor ilham always shaking in fear from facing the devils wrath! Being his secretary for years had not reduced his fear towards him, it's not easy to tolerate such a hot headed and insensitive guy....

Aina was talking to zoyi as she was not aloud to work anymore as per the devils order, she was getting updates about her patients health and conditions, she was sad because she felt like She has abandoned them, she felt so bad because treating patients give peace to her soul, taking care of someone made her content....

But Amaan didn't budge to her requests of letting her to go to hospital, he didn't want the unsuccessful abduction to happen again though he'll not let that kind of thing to happen again in the first place but he wants to be sure first that until all the threats are eliminated, she can't step out of the house...

He can't afford to lose her at any cost but Aina was unaware of her surroundings, after talking to zoyi for about half an hour they hung up the call and she drank the orange juice which the Butler placed in front of her...

" Madame you need to eat something at least eat your favorite pancakes, you've not eaten dinner too last night! " Ben pleaded Her but Aina was not in the mood to eat anything, she was pissed off at him...

" No Ben I'm not hungry! " Aina protested both Ben and Maria sighed they know their madame is sure the stubborn one but both cared for her deeply, they sensed that their master and madame are not in good terms but they also knew both can't stay mad at each other, their love was visible to everyone except them...

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