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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Last update...

Third persons pov:

" Because I can't live without you! " Aina said while looking into his eyes, Amaan couldn't believe that she miss him like he misses her whenever he's not around her! he never thought that even after his worst behaviors she cared for him immensely..

" But why? Even after I treat you worst, you still care for me? don't you hate me? " he asked placing his hands on top her which was cupping his face in a soft grip but she smiled faintly at him, not knowing if she should tell him that she loves him but she didn't want to make a fool out of herself! she still don't know if he was speaking to her in regret or something was more in the picture..

" I guess that's me! no matter what you did but my heart didn't seem to hate you! " she caressed his cheeks, because she had noticed in the past days that whenever he yells at her, he will turn his face as not to see her expression but once she noticed him closing his eyes and cursing himself for hurting her because she always believed that there is more to the story, when it comes to him...

Amaan felt more guilty by each passing minutes, he felt suffocated by his own guilt, she was too good to be true! " I already forgave you for whatever you did, it doesn't matter now! " Aina said pushing him deeper in his self hatred pit but she always felt that holding grudges against someone because of their mistakes will never let you live in peace! it'll ruin your inner peace ...

After all it's our Prophet Muhammad character! no matter how much his enemies hurt him or his family he always chose to forgive others! if he can forgive the wrongdoers who was his enemies! then why can't we forgive our loved one just because they did a mistake to hurt you intentionally or unintentionally...

To human is err.... We are bound to make mistakes, No one is perfect except Allah so be the big person and forgive them! because the first to forgive is the strongest! it was ainas thoughts and it's the way she was brought up, so she can't stay mad at anyone for longer making her the darling of their home! she was the perfect combination of mature yet immature...

" No! I don't deserve your forgiveness! don't forgive me easily, let me earn your forgiveness! I want to make it up to you, angel! " Amaan said while shaking his head " I don't want to see tears in your eyes, I hate it when you cry but I hate it more when I'm the reason! " he said while gritting his teeth, Aina's heart fluttered at his endearment! he wanted to try, he wanted to make it up to her, which was a biggest step in their relationship...

" But I already forgave you! you don't need to do that but don't hurt me next time, please! " she said as tears slipped from her eyes and he immediately wiped her tears in instant and hugged her tight, he buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent ,which drives him crazy! " I promise you Aina! I won't hurt you ever, I will protect you with my life! " he promised her while hugging her tight and Aina smiled at his words, his words gave her the sense of comfort and love which she always craved in his arms..

Then he pulled himself back and sat beside her on the couch, she was amazed at how fast their situation changed from avoiding each other like plague to sticking to each other like leech now...

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