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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Countdown finishes :1

Last chappy of this book 😭 before epilogue.. I'm so emotional.. Don't mind me!


Aina's pov :

I felt something soft touching my neck, I tried to remove it whatever it's, as it was disturbing my sleep, I felt someone chuckle lowly then my senses alarmed as someone was peppering butterfly kisses on my neck.

I groaned and opened my eyes slowly and its none another then my sinfully handsome hell devil! He smirked seeing me awake by his hot kisses.

" Good morning angel it's time for my morning kisses! " he wiggled his brows playfully and smirked at me..

I just glared at him with an annoyed face but my heart was skyrocketing at our proximity, he still makes my heart race just by his deep husky voice.

" How can you say good morning when you disturbed my sleep, you didn't let me sleep a wink last night! as you were -" I stopped in the middle of my sentence as I bit my tongue blushing hard, he just laughed loudly his naked chest vibrating while laughing, his dimples popping out making my senses go wild.

" why my love? What did we do last night? " he asked playfully biting his lip as he wiggled his brows and as the unholy images began to fill my mind of what happened last night, I was red from embarrassment!

I huffed and pinched his side " You're incorrigible Amaan! " I tried to sound annoyed but a traitor smile escaped my lips making him grin wider.

He was towering over me balancing his weight on his arms, looking at me with those intense passionate eyes, I gulped as suddenly my throat went dry, I moistened my lips with my tongue and his eyes turned a shade dark, his Adams apple bobbed down and even in the morning he will put a model to shame with his dishelved hair.

" You look so beautiful my angel,So ravishing! " he kissed my sweet spot on my neck making me gasp, he knew all my pleasure points to make me lose my mind " You're the only one who'll say me beautiful in my bed hair and shiny face, I'm sure I look like a completely sleep deprived person !" he narrowed his eyes as the words escaped my lips.

" You don't have the right to say like that, you're beautiful even in bed hair because I love you so much! " he pecked my lips softly and there goes my heart fluttering all the time by his confessions.

" it's 22th time you're saying I love you to me just in the past 12 hours, aren't you saying it too much? " I asked him smiling while I wrap my both arms around his neck.

He chuckled tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear but his eyes held seriousness and fear " I will tell you, I love you as long as I can because it's my second chance that Allah has blessed me to be with you, I will never take you or our relationship for granted ever again, I did it once and suffered the consequences I don't think my heart will bear if I lose you ever again! " his voice was pained, my heart melted by his confession, how I got so lucky to get such a man as my husband! Indeed I'm blessed!

" I love you too.... so much that it hurts to even stay a day without you! " I confessed honestly I don't know when it happened but in such a short span of time we have become inseparable, we can't live in peace without each other, he smiled as our lips met for a passionate kiss pouring all our emotions and love for each other.

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