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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies ....

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy....


Aina's pov :

Tears ran freely from my eyes not because I fear him or hate him but because of what should he had gone through in his life that made him the person I saw in the basement?.

I cried because of his pain, which he should have suffered! no one becomes heartless and cruel until they had gone through something worse and my heart broke thinking how he was able cope up his emotions? but at the same time I also can't forget that he also broke my trust he betrayed me!

I was crying in frustration and I heard Amaan banging on the door to open and let him in..

" Angel please open the door, I know you're angry at me! I know I'm sorry Pls open the door! " he pleaded me still banging.

" I'm sorry Aina, please.. listen to me, I can explain please! " his voice cracked I never heard vulnerability in his voice ever. I don't want to see his face because I know if I see him I'll give in I'm weak when it comes to him.

" Angel please let me in, I want to make sure you're OK! Don't forgive me, Be mad at me but don't leave me like them, please let me explain! " his voice pleading me and something move inside me when he said don't leave me! before I knew I was opening the door and when he saw tear stricken form, he winced as he closed his eyes but I moved back inside the room immediately..

Third person's pov :

Amaan drove his car breaking all the traffic rules in history not caring about anything, his only concern and priority was to explain to Aina and make sure she understands his reasons.

He parked the car on the porch and ran inside his mansion like a dying man, he was not even sure if she wants to do anything with him? Now he knows that she hates him and the thought alone was stabbing in his chest.

He banged on the door but she had locked herself in his room, she didn't open after his nth time pleading,he had the key to open his room it was not a big deal for him but he respected to give her some time, he didn't want to pressurize her. After all he was doomed from the start like he anticipated, this was bound to happen one-day but never in his wild dreams he thought she'll saw in that condition.

He was never scared for anything in his life or anyone, nobody was his weakness but now everything has changed, since she became his! he has two loving girls in his life who matters more than the world to him.

But he doesn't deserves their love, he still banged the door and pleaded in a broken voice because Now he tasted what it feels to be with her, he wants her back! he can't live without them but to amaans utter shock his Aina opened the door but when he saw her puffy red eyes and tear stricken face his heart broke into million pieces! he visibly winced because of him she had to endure this.

Maybe she was better without him in her life?

Aina didn't looked in the direction of Amaan, she turned her back to him as she wrapped her arm around herself as if she was protecting herself and this gesture doesn't go unnoticed by him, as he knew! it was she saying that her guard was up.

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