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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy....

Let's go;)


Aina's pov :

I raised my hands in dua, after completing my Maghreb salah (Dawn prayer) and asked anything and everything from Allah! I cried in dua and asked for forgiveness and bless and protect all the ummah, I asked Allah to protect Amaan and send him back to me safely! after crying my heart out to Allah, I completed my dua and I started doing dikhr ( chanting in the name of Allah)....

While I was still sitting on the prayer rug naina moved and sat on my lap, I hugged her from behind and I did dikhr and counted it on her fingers she too started reciting with me, I started teaching her how to to read Quran while she was three and naina is a smart kid she learnt all the alphabets of Arabic and how to pronounce it correctly! she started reading the basic words she was able to recognize them and her pronunciation is always clear! She completed the Qaida and now I was giving her lessons in 30th parah, In the age of four and half she started memorizing small dua's and Surahs....

She's just like Zain! I remember when naina was still in her womb, Zain always used to read Quran aloud in her melodic voice! she used to recite it to her baby Day and night, it's said that the baby absorbs and learns whatever is being read to him on daily basis and thus naina is able to cover most of the lessons and revisions pretty quickly...

سوره الاخلاص

It's her top most favorite Surah as well as mine, it contains only 4 verses but this Surah reveals big revelations on mankind! I always make sure she understands the meanings of surahs and I always make her read with its meanings, then we started reciting it together..

سوره الاخلاص <112>

َاَعُو ْذُ بِاللّهِ مِنَ الشَيْطاَنِ الرّجِيْمِ .


I seek protection In Allah from shaytaan the rejected

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمنَ الرَّحِيم .

In the name of Allah the infinitely compassionate and merciful

ُقلٌ ُهوَاَللّهُ اَحَدُ' ٠ ١

1. Say, "He is Allah [who is] one

اَللّهُ الصَّمَد ٠ ٢

2. Allah, the eternal refuge

لَم' يَلِيد وَلَم' يُولَد' ٠ ٣

3. He neither begets nor is born

وَلَم يَكُن لَّه كُفُوًااَحَدُ' ٠ ٤

4.Nor is there to him in equivalant"


After finishing the Surah and dikhr, I folded the prayer rug and I removed her tiny floral hijab and we walked inside the washroom, she loves her bath time, she stripped and got inside the bathtub and I gave her a bath, by the time she was finished we both were soaking wet! we both were giggling and laughing hard because she splashed the water all over on me making me drench! then I made her wear a robe and came out...

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