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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aina's pov :

I felt some movements beside me and hushed voices but I couldn't pinpoint what was happening? I groaned and slowly opened my eyes and an involuntary smile made its way to my lips but I pretended to be asleep to know what the fuss was? naina was making space between me and Amaan to sleep and Amaan was telling her to slow down her voice as not to wake me up but I was already awake then she laid inbetween us...

Amaan wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to them and naina was giggling happily! I felt my heart warmed seeing her this much happy since these past months from the time Amaan had came into our lives, it was like a rollercoaster ride till now, we had our little happy moments! little family moments and sad moments too!...

But nothing is permanent! the interesting part about time is, that its always changing!...

" Are you hungry princess! " Amaan asked while nuzzling his nose with her in a gentle tone which he uses only for either naina or me and naina nodded in no! " Granny gave me a glass of warm milk, so I'm not hungry! " naina told him in a hushed tone and I turned slightly and both stilled as they thought I was waking up from their hushed voices, it was so funny keeping my baby and his daddy on their toes! as they saw my still sleeping form they both sighed...

Then after sometime I felt both moving out of the bed, don't know where they were going? as I was sure that they are gone, I opened my eyes and looked around! I was completely awake, I wore my fuzzy slippers and tied a robe around my body then I put my auburn/red hair in a messy bun on top of my head and started my morning routine after showering and changing in my fresh clothes, I began to blow dry my hair as I was still drying, a pair of arms snaked around my waist making me jump for a moment...

" You scarred the hell out of me! " I said while placing my hand on my heart of how fast it was beating but he just chuckled and tightened his hold around my small waist, my back to his front he placed a sensual kiss on my wet neck causing a whimper to escape from my lips and he just smirked seeing his effect on me..

Bloody hell devil..

He placed his jaw on my shoulder and smiled at me warmly which made my heart only to swell with happiness! " Did not meant to do that! " he said while nuzzling his nose in my neck..

" Very well but leave me Mr! I need to dry my hair........ Amaan! " I said while taking my dryer to dry but he took the dryer from me, I was about to yell at him for annoying me " Let me do it Angel! you come sit here, don't talk! just turn I'll take care of it ! " he ordered while making me sit on the dresser chair...

Exactly... ordering never leaves his character!

" Why are you wasting your time on me? won't you have any work to do? " I asked while he was drying my hair like a pro! he would have done it a lot of times before I guess?

" Firstly, I'm not wasting my time and second I'm taking care of my wife which is my responsibility and third work can wait! " as much as I don't want my silly heart to feel ecstatic on his words but it did the exact opposite! he is making me fall for him very deeply with no going back! if it was the old Amaan he would've chose his work over me but now he's changing...

" Here you go, it's done! " he tucked a strand behind my ear as I stood up he was looking at me with those warmness in his deep grey eyes making my heart lurch, even before I can comprehend what I was doing ? I already tiptoed and pulled his face down with both of my hands because I'm still short even I tiptoed and  kissed the side of his lips leisurely, the inhaling of a sharp breath did not go missed by me and I smirked inwardly I also affect him the same as much as he has on me...

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