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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy..

Surprise awaits for you;) ..


Aina's pov :

We entered the grand entrance of the luxurious museum where the charity ball was being held, it was an exclusive charity event where all the billionaire's, tycoons, elites, politicians and celebrities will be present as no one misses the charity event held by TEG CLUB..

My heels pressed on the red carpet as we walk towards the museum, Amaan's body guards blocked the paparazzi from our way as they began to get crazy bombarding us with questions, Amaan pulled me close and zamy took naina in his arms and she hid her face in his neck the flashes were blinding my eyesight but Amaans shades were protecting him..

As we walked into the ballroom and I caught my breath, I'd never been in a space that made me feel so small. Crystal chandeliers spiraled down from the arching sky-blue ceiling, illuminating the glimmering golden walls and a floor so polished it looked like an iced-over lake. And it wasn't just the ballroom-the women sparkled like a box of jewels, shades of emerald and ruby and amethyst swirling before me, and the businessmen in their finest suit, everyone stilled as they saw us, I've always felt awkward being in the public attention " Breath my angel you'll pass out any minute! " his minty breath fanning my ear and I released a breath which I didn't know I was holding..

Naina's eyes lit seeing the Glimmer of the night, zamy kissed her cheek as he smiled seeing her excited form and Mar smiled at both of them..

Zaim bro was also looking handsome in his blue tuxedo, mehr and minu looked amazing in their gowns both minu and naina hugged each other giggling! it was our babies first public encounter, she was nervous I can tell that easily but having minu with her eased her worries..

" Assalamu alaikum aini you look stunning! " mehr hugged me and I hugged her tight too " Walaikum salam mehr, you look breathtaking too! " indeed her baby blue silk gown complementing her fair skin adding to her beauty...

" aini! " a familiar voice called me and I turned to look a very nervous yet excited zoyi walking towards me and I was shocked that how was she here?

" You look stunning zoyi! " I complimented her and hugged her she was looking gorgeous in her silk grey gown, she kissed naina and minu's cheeks who were very happy to see her..

" Amaan bro invited me to this event! " she smiled at me and Amaan gave me a wink when no one noticed, this devil! he sure has called her so that I won't feel awkward around them and I was again touched by his caring gesture...

But when I turned, I caught my naughty bro in law staring at zoyi with a awed look in his eyes, he was just staring at her like hawk and when he noticed that he had been caught by me, he smiled sheepishly and flew away like air and I grinned seeing an unaware zoyi who was talking to naina aimlessly...

Well.... zoyi and zamy interesting!! hehee!

I'm ready for a wedding!

The ball room was beginning to get full and Amaan had his arm on the small of my back all the time " well... well who do we have here? " I looked up to the voice to see another handsome man walking to our direction with a niqabi in his arms she was dressed in a light beige gown and a little boy of nainas age was with them who looked so cute..

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