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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Surprise.... surprise .... it's time for bonus chappy...

And you.......... Are welcome 😉!


Amaan's pov:

Three months later...

I just came out of the shower wearing a sweat pants while towel drying my hair, as I was sweaty from my morning run, the cool air inside the room tickling my naked chest. I walked and closed the curtains so that the sunlight shouldn't disturb my angels sleep, I turned and looked at her sleepy form, a chuckle escaped my lips as I saw how cute she looked while sleeping.

I sat beside her on the bed and caressed her auburn hair, my redhead beauty! She looks even more beautiful than before, the pregnancy glow was evident on her face.

Her lips turned into a slight pout as she snuggled more into her pregnancy pillow which I placed it beside her so that she couldn't be uncomfortable while I go for a morning run around the estate then I leaned down and pecked her pout softly..

I rubbed her baby bump while smiling, her tummy was huge for a 7  months pregnant lady as she's carrying our twins and as if on cue my babies kicked sensing that it's their daddy.

My grin widened " So my prince and princess are awake huh? " I asked as I kissed her bump and another two kicks I felt immediately as I chuckled " yup you guys are definitely awake !" I chuckled as Aina stirred in her sleep while the babies kept on kicking as I  talked to them.

It has become my routine, I love talking to our babies and they are so responsive as if they sense it's me, Aina will smile widely whenever I talk  to them.

" Not now champs Your mama needs to sleep, you guys keep her awake all the time! " I said rubbing her bump and the kicks stopped, I smiled but my eyes widened when I saw my angel was looking at me with warm lovely eyes.

Those Amber eyes will be the death of me!

" angel why did you wake up? Go back to sleep! " I said moving upward on the bed as I caressed her cheeks, she smiled lazily  " I can't sleep even if I want to!  your twins think my stomach is a soccer ball as they keep on kicking it all the time! " she pouted looking at me with brows pulled together and I laughed heartily..

" But I'm happy because it's a sign that they're growing well too! " she smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me close so that she can hug me and I was careful not put all my weight on her as I balanced my weight on my arms.

" Yes angel Alhamdulillah! They're growing well! " I kissed her forehead as she nodded her head and her stomach growled indicating she's hungry,  I laughed and she looked annoyed at me because she's always hungry, her appetite has increased as she's eating for three now.

" Baby.... I'm hungry and I want chocolate ice-cream please !" she pouted cutely with puppy dog eyes and I sighed, she's craving for junk and unhealthy foods alot with weird combinations and I couldn't deny her if I did then she'll threw tantrums like a toddler and cry until I give her what she wants.

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