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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies..

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Third person's pov :

At evening amaan got home fast, he was restless all day he can't let her stay mad at him, he didn't want her to cry because of him, she's his precious angel and he wanted to solve their quarrel fast, he'll apologize to her sincierly .

when he entered his room Aina was not there, he sighed as she should've been here by now he had this uneasy feeling in his heart That Won't go away, his brows quivered as he looked at the caller ID it was Liam before he can attend the call, zamy barged in his room furiously but he was worried sick.

" Bro..  They took bhabs, they took her Regan and Prescott are injured! " as soon as the words left his mouth, air was knocked out of his system, he couldn't breathe! the blood in his veins froze he felt like his soul left his body, he couldn't understand.

" what the fu*k did you sayy? " he asked because he couldn't understand they took his angel? he was dumbfounded.

" Bro pull yourself together, they took her she's kidnapped! " zamy said worriedly.

Slowly everything sink in his mind, his angel is gone that ba*tard took his angel " Arrange the best Snipers and top agents immediately! " Amaan growled attending the phone and Liam nodded.

He failed her, he couldn't keep his promise that he will always protect her, that motherfu*ker took his Aina away and the dreadful things he can do to her made his body shiver in fear.

His wife is at his mercy!  He couldn't let anything happen to her, Zaim and mehr arrived at the mansion immediately after hearing from zamy.

All the men were assembled in the base in 20 minutes, samar was hacking the CCTV footage of the parking lot and when amaan looked at how the smoke filled the entire parking lot and how mercilessly they threw Aina inside the car made his body shook in anger and fear.

They dared to touch or see what's his and now he'll eliminate every single threat away from her life, who have dared to raise their eye in her direction.

He was like a raging storm who wants to destroy everything that comes in his way, mehr took care of naina both the kids were playing unknown to what's going on around them.

Mar was worried sick about Aina she couldn't believe that her precious daughter has been kidnapped, she was crying hysterically, Maria and mehr tried to assure her even mehr was worried sick.

" Amaan we cracked the code and it's not his own blood who's trying to harm sister-in-law! " Samar spoke looking away from his MacBook at last they find who the ba*tard was who was trying to threaten him from the start with Aina's life.

" We thought it was Emanuel Romano II the son of Emanuel whom you guys killed but looks like we're wrong the entire time! he's not dead Amaan and he has returned back very powerful now and he wants to complete what he left, he wants to take his army back he wants to be the boss of American mafia, again !" Samar continued and amaans temper flared up, he punched the glass  wall so hard that its shards sink into his skin making blood gush out of his hand.

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