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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies....

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy....

Let's go...


Aina's pov :

I stirred in my sleep and my eyes opened slowly, I felt cold without being in his arms, I had gotten used to sleeping in his arms it's better to say I'm addicted to him!

The room was still dimly lit, I checked the time on my iPhone and it was 2:26 am and he's not beside me, first I got panicked but it's normal for him to be gone at odd hours it makes me suspicious of what he'll be doing ? No I'm not doubting him! I can never because he never gave me a reason to doubt but I'm just worried about his safety..

I decided to check on his study and I wore my robe and just loosely rapped a hijab around my head, I know no one enters our wing but still for some precautions and my instincts were right indeed he was in his study, busy working in his MacBook..

I leaned on the door frame and ogled him shamelessly even in the middle of the night he can put a model to shame! his hair messed up in a wild way brows furrowed with full on concentration those silver eyes on point, his strong jaw line with five o clock shadow gave him insanely handsome looks..

How did I got so lucky? I ask this thousand times in a day but Indeed I'm blessed with best Alhamdulillah!  " Why are you still awake? " his question startled me though he did not take his eyes off of his MacBook..

" I can ask the same too you know! " I teased him while walking toward him and sat on the edge of the desk, he massaged his temples lightly and sighed softly " I need to complete this presentation Angel, tomorrow is the board meeting! " he said and took my hand pulled me on his lap, my comfortable place..

I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat " But you need sleep too... working late will affect your health! " I scolded him and he looked amused by my outburst, I was angry at him..

Amaan's pov :

" Believe me angel, I'm getting far more sleep now a days than the old times! " I kissed her chubby cheeks, no one dares to speak loudly in my face but here this angel of mine is scolding me, I was amused! if any one had dared to do this then the outcome will be worse till he or she remembers until death..

But she's the only one who has every right to scold me and love me! the latter one I highly doubt that seeing the record of how rude and arrogant I have been with her but I'll be fine! until she's by my side safe and secure..

I removed her hijab, I don't like her wearing hijab around me or even covering herself but I don't like anyone ogle what's mine too! call me a hypocrite but her beauty is only for my eyes to love! to cherish! to appreciate!..

Possessive much! My conscience mocked..

Even in her tired form she looks extremely beautiful, she had that Noor in her face which glows brightly she has that calming and soothing aura around her, which gives me peace being in her arms, I inhaled her addicting scent jasmine and vanilla which drives me crazy..

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