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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu....

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...


Aina's pov :

It was just another normal day in my life, my schedule was packed today but thank Allah I had no surgeries to do today, I just had regular check ups on the patients and some test results to oversee on how much their health had been improved over the days....

It was noon time and time for our lunch, when I exited my office Zoya was also exiting her cabin along with John, we three were the young doctor among the oncologists in higher positions..

Regan and Prescott were hot on my tails like always, everyone seemed to be intimidated by them but I'm not I was an exception, as we entered the cafeteria it was a self served souk..

We sat on the round table and began to eat while chatting about anything and everything randomly and on some serious cases too..

" zoyi when are you visiting your niece? She's asking about you non stop, even though you face time each other every single day ! " I said annoyed by these naina-zoyi love..

" Oh.. someone is jealous I see, don't worry aini, I'll visit her this Sunday! " she grinned at me trying to annoy me more..

" yeah do that, so I can rest in peace she's becoming more demanding day by day just like hell devil ! " I huffed because she's acting like him, all the time..

" oh come on aini! it's OK to be spoiled a little by her dad, you always want her to be prim and proper but she has got your traits, darling! " she waved her hands like its not a big deal...

" You're right! she's just like me attention seeker! " I admitted sheepishly, I was like that in my childhood but Zain was the exact opposite..

And our bickering continued like that after finishing our lunch, we went back to our block and there was lot of hustle bustle going on " why everyone is looking so panicked? " Zoyi asked me, I had no idea..

" Doctor baby Aaron is missing, we all are searching for him ! " one of the nurse informed me, he was three year old child suffering from leukemia, he was admitted in the hospital when I was forbidden to go to hospital by amaan..

He was a cute little boy with attractive blue eyes, when I first met him he was shy not at all talkative but soon he warmed up to me, his parents were busy gathering money for his Operations but the worst part is his bone marrow did not matched with any of the donors, if we can't find him a donor soon we'll lose him too and now he's missing..

We all split up and started to search for him, we already checked the camera footage, he didn't left the hospital so he's somewhere inside the cubicles, I started reciting duas and looking in the staffs section, when I was about to exit the room I heard a sound of muffled cries it was coming from the bathroom, I quickly opened the door and the scene in front of me pained my heart, he was leaning on the sink with his head bend placed on top of his hands ,his body was shaking the IV is still attached to him..

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