C r a v i n g

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Once again he laid sweaty in his bed. Strands of his blonde hair covered his eyes and his mouth. He took deep breaths and filled his lungs with warm air. His body was trembling caused by the last amount from his own touches. His hand was sweaty and sticky because of his cum. Milky warm fluid in his little hand. He wished it was his cum. Carefully, he licked it and swallowed it up. His heart started to race faster. Deep love. For somebody that doesn't notice him. Somebody he could just see from a far. Their eyes never meet. He didn't know him but he knows him. Better than anybody else. He knows what he likes to eat at lunch time and wich subject he could count as his favourite. Without even talking to him. His ears were everywhere. So are his eyes. Always so close but yet so far.

After licking his hand clean, he wiped his hand at his hoodie. After that he grabbed the little photo of his beloved boy,wich is always by his side, and starred in his beautiful chocolatebrown eyes. Round two. He grabbed his still hardened dick and started to jerk off. He liked it when the little picture is close to him because that made him imagine how his big lovely boy would watch him when he was pleasuring himself. It was a quick action. Not that long and he could feel how he came. Dripping over the display of the photo. It wasn't the first time he did it like this. The photo was used as a fapping material, so the display was covered with dried sperm.He felt how his cheeks got warmer and he started to grin. It always happend after doing it. Just because he loves him so much. So much that he always think about what his big lovely boy is doing at the moment. It was his daily routine. He felt connected to that boy. Nothing was more important than him. Neither those little fuckers who always tries to steal him away from him.

He hates all of them. He hates them so much, that he could grab his pure anger and throw it like a burning fireball on those hated people, just to see how slowly and painfull they die. Every time, the hate got so big, he had to calm himself down. Nobody is allowed to love him like he does. No other human should kiss him like he would kiss him and nobody should take his hand like they did in his imagination. He has to save his lovely boy from all those bad people, who tried to hurt him.  They need a lesson, what they are really deserving. Nobody deserves the lovely boy but him.

And he would do everything for him. Doesn't matter what.


Wanted to post the both introductionchapters at the same time 

Yass, I am very bad in writing smut in english and I still suck in it even after writing already half of this story, so yeah, the story contains bad smut :')

Felixity (Chanlix FF, english)Where stories live. Discover now