-xXChapter 15XX-

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Felix left the place and hid himself while creating a plan of how to get near Chan without the fucker called Minho ruining his relationship with Chan.First step: Get close to Minho and become his friend. This shouldn't be so hard since Minho seemed to be nice to everyone. Felix saw how he always smiled to everyone. His smile wasn't an act of any twisted game. Minho was an innocent boy. Okay, except the part pf how he fucked Chan but Felix wanted to forget this part, erasing it out of his brain and filling it with moments of Chan and him.

The next day he wasn't observing Chan like usual, this time Minho was his victim. To get to know him, without even speaking, he had to see how Minho acted in his daily life. Felix already knew that he likes dancing and loves to smile. Everytime he laughed with Chan Felix wanted not to see it, because anger could manipulate his peace while observing. Anger can cause a lot of troubles and Felix wanted to avoid them in the best way. Whenever he sees Minho getting close to Chan, he tried to avoid it, even if its one of the hardest things ever.

On the fourth day of observing him Felix catched him on the way home. He knew Minho walks always home alone, since his friends always drive with the bus. Felix made sure, neither Chan or Jisung would see him. „Hey Minho", Felix said, while waving at the older boy. Minho smiled at him, seing the boy who was always so scared to talk to him and to his friends. Felix smiled at him too. His smile was cute, Minho tought while seing the blonde boy smiling for the first time ever. A smile for him. „You're Felix, right?" Felix nodded. „I am sorry to talk to you so lately but I was so scared to approach you. „ Lies. „Jisung told me about this. Nice to meet you, Felix." „Hey, do you wanna walk together? I saw you walking and I guessed your way to school isn't that long like mine. Of course just if you want. I thought we could know each other better then. I want to be your friend". Another lie.

„Of course", Minho said. Felix still had an anxious presence but he seems to be kind and he didn't understand Chan for wanting to avoid him. He still didnt told him the truth why Chan always warned him to stay away from Felix. Minho really didn't understand him at all. The both boys started to walk and Felix talked about the school and his life. Of course without mentioning Chan. Minho also told about his life and if Felix wouldn't hate him so freaking much, Minho would be a good friend. However his anger in him always killed any little piece of sympathy for Minho. „Can I ask you something?", Minho asked, wanting to know why Chan avoided him. After walking with Felix he turned out in a nice and cute boy, who is just anxious about a lot of things. „Sure, go ahead". „Why is Chan avoiding you so badly?" Felix sighed. Sooner or later this question would pop up but Felix hoped to never hear it. Great. „I really don't know why. I just asked him to be my friend and he told me we can't be friends." Felix darkened his expression, adding tones of sadness to look like an unwanted puppy. Minho should feel pity with him because pity means weakness and Felix needed Minho weakness. Minho saw how sad Felix was when hearing Chan's name. He just really wanted to be Chan's friend and he avoided him. Its just stupid. „Did somehing happen between you and him?"„No".

„If you want I can talk to him because I don't anderstand why. You're nice." Felix smiled broken, keeping the sadness up to not lose Minho's pity. He needs it. He needs way more. He needs Minhos friendship, even if it means to continue faking everything. Would Chan be happy if he ever knew how much Felix cared about him? „Thank you....you're nice too and it's fine. Better not talk to him about me. It seems that he really hates me without a reason." Minho gently touched Felix's shoulder. „Hey, if you dont mind, let's be friends. I promise, I wont ditch you like Chan." Smiling brightly like always. A smile of innocence. „D-do you really want to be friends with me?", Felix asked, stilla acting like the lonely boy he tried to portrait to Minho. „Of course!"„Please don't tell Chan then.,..I dont want to see him getting angry to you because you're my friend." What a caring boy Felix is! Really trying his best to not set Chan in a bad light even he treated him so badly. Felix must like Chan a lot. How much? „Don't worry. You're my sceret friend then". Secret friend? Better secret enemy, little Minho.

„I need to cross the road and then I am home. It was nice walking with you. Should we do it tomorrow, too?" „Yes, I'd love to do it". Felix faked a shy smile. Acting to the last seconds. After seeing Minho left, Felix dropped his smile and watching his 'new' friend with a devilish look. Minho sucks in every fucking level. While Minho crossed the road, Felix imagined a car crashed into Minho and killed him. Making him dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Felix smiled brightly andthis time he really meaned it.

Lixie, are you really this evil? 0: Excited for more yanderefelix? Hope not. I need to be careful or I will spoiler you. Anyways, how are you all? :D I am hungry af but too lazy to get some food. Mood 24/7

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