-xXChapter 44Xx-

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                                                 Wise men say

                                               Only fools rush in
                              But I can't help falling in love with you
                                                      Shall I stay?
                                                  Would it be a sin
                               If I can't help falling in love with you?

             Can't help fall in love with you, Elvis Presley


„Well, I killed Minho. The fucker needed to die. Fucking my precious boyfriend. I couldn't stand still, Chan. I couldn't see it any longer, how he had touched you. You always belonged to me, don't you know? I wanted to marry you and put your ring on your finger. I want to see you smile, because you're my husband and I wanted to be the one, who hold you tight, when you feel alone or cry...I always wanted to be with you..I..I would die for you...because I love you so much.. I wanted to grow old with you, Chan. I want to sit next to you and staring at the dawn, while holding your hand and cuddle you...I want to say 'I love you' everyday , until I can't  say it anymore...I wanted to show you how much I love you....and it's bigger than the universe...I love you so much, my darling..." Felix cried.

" What......? Felix? Did you really.... killed him?" Chan still couldn't believe it. Felix was too nice and kind for doing something like this. Felix didn't have the tendencies to something that horrible and still he had that crazy look on his face, even with all the tears on his eyes.  „So you don't believe me? Minho begged for his life....do you want to know what he told me? He said, you won't ever love me the way you love him....guess he was right. You never loved me".

„I love you right now, Felix. I love you....I really do". Felix laughed a fake laugh. „Do you believe in your own lies? How sad." This boy killed Minho. His ex boyfriend. Felix was crazy. Felix was a killer and he was always next to him.....Felix's finger were once covered in Minho's blood and he wasn't even feeling guilty for doing it. Felix didn't apologized for killing Minho. He hated Minho and killed him. 

Felix suddendly pulled a knife out of his pants. Chan was scared. He trembled. „Come here. Felix, everything will be alright. I am sorry for....for everything....I am sorry...let me make you happy...okay? I won't ever talk about Minho again. I don't want to hurt you anymore. Never again...so please, come here...and take the knife away, baby. We can work things out, okay? We will marry one day. I promise you. I will make you mine forever until the end...just take the knife away...I beg you" Chan whimpered a bit because he was scared. He was scared of Felix. He was scared in the way Felix looked at him and still he loved him. He couldn't stop loving Felix even he was a killer. Felix hugged Chan tightly, while Chan tried to reach the knife but then a sharp pain exploded inside his stomach. He was too slow.  "I love you so much, Chan I will love you forever", Felix said, while smiling with teary eyes. 

The sharp pain was horrible.  A warm liquid on his sweatshirt. Felix stabbed him. „Even when it was a mistake right from the beginning", Felix added full of sorrow as he pulled out the knife of Chan's belly. His blood was shining on the edge. Warm, red liquid. Chan couldn't breathe anymore because of the pain. He could feel how more blood covered his sweatshirt. He started to feel cold, while holding his stomach with shaking hands. There was so much blood on his hand. So much.

Felixity (Chanlix FF, english)Where stories live. Discover now