-xXChapter 37Xx-

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Felix felt so alone because he missed Chan so much. He should listen to the words from Jisung and move one but he couldn't. He couldn't forget about Chan. Felix loved him too much to just forget about him and the feeling of missing him grow so strong after waking up that Felix had to text him. He was graving for a message from him. He knew that Chan woul be happy seeing him like this so Felix smiled for the first time in this morning. Felix slept just in his boxer so he didn't had to undress him first for taking a picture of his bruised body. This was really a stupid idea but Felix didn't know what to do else. This might be the only way to approach Chan and he was really digging it. He opened the frontcamera and looked inside his own face. Not good enough. The bruises are not be seen this well, so he walked in the bathroom, because there was a mirror. Felix stood front of it. Way better. He was so desperatly in love with Chan that he would do everything for him.

One picture is done. The second one came after it. Two picture for melting Chan's heart away and hopefully he would be happy. He sent the two pictures to Chan and wrote 'I love you so much, darling' under it. Those words won't react to Chan but for Felix it felt a way to happieness. He imagined that Chan would smile because Felix confessed his hard feeling to him once more. Felix mind was so full of Chan that nothing could break it down and continue the boys suffering. His mind was keeping Felix safe in portraiting thoughts of that Chan would love him someday, too. It was a stand-by mode. Felix negative feelings shutted themselves out because they were tired to care about Felix well being because in the end they just want to warn him.

Loving Chan was a mistake and it was Felix's biggest one.

Chan woke up by the sound from his phone. He haven't slept that long last night, because he felt weird and empty but Chan could't figure it out from where it actually came from. It was just there and it made Chan anxious. If he would know what kind of feeling this was, he could try to make it dissapear and also he thought of Felix the whole night. It was a coincidence the message came from this blonde boy, wich was ghosting in Chan's mind. Felix send two pictures and Chan was curious about them, so he clicked at the picture Felix had send him. It was two pictures of him with a bruised body. Chan couldn't believe what he saw. Felix hitted himself and he looked like the beautifullest thing on earth. He looked like he would break into pieces in every second. Did he hit himself because of him? If so, Chan would be so happy and grateful. It didnt took long for him messaging Felix back. „Did you hurt yourself forme, baby?". A smile on his lips. Happieness. Even after treating Felix shitty he still loved him. What a wonderful boy. This means Chan could continue like this. He could have those beautiful bruises and the tears of Felix and hurting him. Such a lucky day for Chan.

„Yes....do you like it?", Felix repsonded as much quicker than Chan expected. Felix was probably already waiting for his message. „Oh Felix, you make me so proud. Those bruises are pretty just like you. You did such a great job". Seeing the bruises all over Felix body made his body react. Chan knew the feeling too well. It was the beginning of getting horny. Felix did it again. Making him horny just by his appeareance. „I want to touch them so badly. Such beauty", Chan texted, while his dick got slowly hard. His mind drifted away to the day he was fucking Felix and how much the blonde boy turned him on. Guess this time won't be different.

Chan was proud of him. Happieness entered his body and made Felix smile. Even if it was a broken smile. At least Chan was complimenting him and this was all he wanted in this moment. He tought of Chan and him fucking that day and his smile got brighter. „I am glad you like it....I love it when you call me baby". Chan started to stroke his dick. „I love it when you hurt yourself. I still remember your cuts, baby. They are beautiful. Do you have scars?" Felix looked at his body to find some cuts were he was cutting for Chan. „Yes....wanna see them?" Of course he wanted to see them. Felix send a picture and Chan felt more arousal running inside his veins. He pushed more pressure into his strokes and clenched his teeth, because it felt so awesome masturbating to Felix bruises and cuts. Felix knew how to catch his attention and make him into a horny mess. „You're so beautiful and oh Felix, if you could see what I am doing right now..." Felix knew Chan was pleasuring himself. He knew that Chans kink has awoken and Felix would sell his soul just to see how Chan was jerking off. It must look so wonderful. „Horny one ;)", Felix replied. „Just because you're so fucking hot". It took a bit for Chan writing this because the feeling of arousal got intense and he moarned. He moarned Felix's name. Chan came inside his handand took a deep breath. „Now I have Chan's cream all over my hand. Wished you would lick it up." Felix smiled. „You can send it to me and then I could make a picture of me licking and being your good babyboy". Once started Felix got deeper into this kind of writing and he must admitted, it felt  awesome.

Yeah, it's getting hot in here again ;) Here's the drawing of Chan. This dude wants me to draw him all the time. StOp It, Mr. BaNg :V

It's quiet okay :V But yeah I usually draw other things more

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It's quiet okay :V But yeah I usually draw other things more. Hope you like it. Yes, ThATs My LeG OvEr ThErE

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