-xXChapter 32Xx-

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„What is it...?" Chan still carassed his cheek and was more gently now. „Will you hurt yourself for me?" The same question Felix heared not that long ago. Chan didn't have enough and wished for more pain. He was so painfully hard but he suffered a bit longer if it means, if Felix hurt himself and become more beautiful. Chan rested his hand on Felix's tight and run it gently over his slim body. What a cute body. But not pretty enough. „I will apologize to you, if you do it for me....and maybe I will kiss you back, baby. But if you do it for me, you will make me the happiest man on earth. You can do it, right? I believe in you". Chan was so close, Felix still could feel his warm breath and his gently touch. How fast can Chan change his mood? Must be caused all by all the horny thoughts in his head.

And still Felix wanted to make him happy. He wanted to see him smile. He wanted to be touched by him. Felix could feel Chan's hard boner even there was still a layer on fabric between his dick and Felix's crotch. If he could hurt himself would be Chan fucking him his reward? It would be worth the pain. If he just can feel Chan's cream inside him, he would try to forget all the hurtful toughts. Felix was still heart broken but he was deeply in love with Chan. „How...should I do it?", he asked silently. „Just cut yourself, baby. Wait, a moment". Chan left and came back with a kitchen knife. 

Felix saw the sharp knife and he was scared of it. Chan smiled as he handed the knife to Felix. He gulped. „Pretty like you, when you cut yourself." The dark haired boy looked at him so lovely and kind. „Should I help you? You look scared. Don't worry, I will be by your side, okay? I am sorry Felix for my little rage attack a moment ago. I can't control myself. I am really sorry, baby." Felix wasn't still used to Chans switching moods but this one is much better than the cold one, wich he was showing some moments ago. This one won't hurt him mentally just physically but Felix will bare it. Just for Chan. „I help you.", Chan said, as he gently grabbed Felix sweatshirt to see Feli's collarbone. Now he could see his smooth white skin. How it was free from any scars and burns. So unsatisfying. Chan grabbed Felix hand with the knife and hold it onto Felix's collarbone. „Just breathe, baby. Everything will be okay, I am here. Chan is here, okay?" And still he was painfully hard.

Felix wanted to believe in Chan's words and he also apologized for his actions. Chan wasn't so bad. Chan is just desperate, because nobody pleases him. Nobody wanted to see how much he suffered from his kink. Chan was just alone and not cold. Yes, Chan was lonely and Felix needed to fill the gap in his empty chest. He wanted to make him happy. „It will hurt a bit but you can deal with it, my pretty boy." He encouraged him and finally Felix did a cut on his collarbone. The first troplets of blood. Red and shiny. Chan could feel Felix's wounded skin. So pretty. „What a cute little cut. How about doing some cuts on your pretty tights? I bet it would be so much more pretty", Chan said, before kissing Felix's collarbone and slowly starting to touch his own dick. He couldn't wait any longer.

The cut hurt but hearing Chans lovel yand soft voice calmed Felix down. He put of his sweathshirt and held the knife on his tights. „Good boy. You're making me so happy", Chan said more moarning than saying it clearly. Felix saw how Chan stroked his own dick, making him horny as well. A masturbating Chan was truly something really beautiful. Felix cut his skin open and felt the pain. It bleed and this made Chan moarn much louder. „Oh Felix", Chan touched gently the cuts and felt the warm blood, wich was running out of the cut. „So pretty for me. So hot and beautiful." Chan smashed his lips against his, he mourned inside of it, before licking Felix's lips to make him open his mouth. Felix's heart raced faster as he felt how horny he was by Chan's hungry kiss. He gently bittet Chans lip and he was losing it. Felix always wanted to kiss him in this way. So needy and messy. Chan finally came and released all his cum on Felix naked chest. Chan was still hard and Felix wanted to be  fucked so badly in this moment. So badly, he was pressing his body against his. Of course Chan could feel Felix's boner.  „Isn't kissing enough, baby?" Chan said after stopping the kiss, wich Felix wanted to never stop. „N-no", Felix said. He wanted to be so fucking badly touched by Chan. 

„What do you wish for? You've cutted so beautiful for me." Felix felt his hardened dick and it was just one thing, wich was running inside of his mind right now. „I..I want you to fuck me...". Chan grinned. Felix was needy for him. Such a mess. „So horny for me, huh? Let me grab the lube and I fuck you then." Chan left again. Will he really have sex with Chan? The thing he wanted to do so badly? His imaginations will become real. His wet dream won't be a dream anymore. Chan came back and started to kiss him wild and hungry like before. He gently touched the cuts while he was unzipping Felix pants. His fingertip turned red. What a lovely colour. Felix was really a sweatheart.

Chan poured lube on his bloody finger and touched Felix ass gently. Felix groaned by the touch of Chan and spread his legs wide open as he had been pinned against the wall by Chan with one hand. Chan trusted his finger into Felix's ass. Felix's dick was twitching like crazy, wanting to be touched so badly but Chan didn't made any move. He knew how horrible it was not to masturbate.. It was nice to see Felix suffer. Such a beautiful boy.

The chapter is so beautiful <3 :')) I hope you enjoy it <3

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