-xXChapter 18Xx-

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                              -This song suites this chapter perfectly -

"And I am very glad that you love me", Minho gently said, trying not to hurt Felix. He seemed to be in such a pain, that Minho hugged him. „Thank you". The older one could feel Felix warmth and his beating heart, wich just pounded so hard because Felix confessed to him. „Hey it's too early to say thank you, Minho", Felix whispered and let go off Minho. „Do you want to know the other part of 'NightyNight'? Do you want me to show it?". Somehow Felix didn't sounded scared and anaxious anymore. It sounds like he was serious and kind of....creepy. Perhaps Felix was too sad because Minho was with Chan, that he was frustrated and didn't knew what to do to stop the pain. Thats why Felix grabbed his arm with such an intense pressure, that actually hurted Minho.

Felix let go off him. „I will show it to you, little shitty Minho". Did he just call him shitty? No time to think of it, because Felix slammed the racket against his face. Pain exploded. „What the...Felix?", Minho wimpered, while holding his cheek. It burned like hell. „SHUT THE FUCK UP!", Felix screamed, slamming the hard badminton racket in his face again. He should fucking bleed. Bleed and never stop with it, till the fucking grass is full of his unworthy blood. „Felix...calm down please. We can talk about it", Minho whimpered. „I know you fuck my boyfriend." Boyfriend? Chan? „But...Chan is...". "MY BOYFRIEND AND YOU SHOULD FUCKING GET OFF. NOBODY NEEDS YOUR FUCKING EXISTENCE".

Felix slammed the racket another time against Minho's face and after that another time. Minho sweared he heard something cracking inside his face. He could feel a warm liquid, wich run out of his mouth. Blood. Felix made him bleed with a fucking racket! A racket for fucking badminton. Even though the material is not as strong as like tennis racket, Felix slammed the damn thing against him like a frying pan. Felix shivered and smiled. He could see Minhos lip bleeding. Not enough. NOT ENOUGH. Felix could hear Minhos moarns in his head, fucking moarns wich repeated itself. Fucking Chan. Fucking his precious Chan. Minho didn't deserve to live. Not a single second he should breathe the same air like him anymore. His lungs should stop working and Felix will make them stop.

„So this was just an act?", Minho said, while licking the blood from his lip. „Act? It was a game and you were the main role. Hope you like it. It was so hard to not fucking punsh you in the face while walking with you at home. I hate everything about you." Felix anger got highter than every scyscraper. It sourrended Felix like a thick fog, letting him lose control of everything. There was no empathy inside him. Everything was screaming of hate and jealousy. „Ha...ha....ha...ha...I should have known it....the way you always look at Chan...you're crazy...right? And Chan avoided you because of this, am I right?" Minho shivered. „ I am not crazy. DONT YOU EVER CALL ME LIKE THIS AGAIN!" After saying it, he throw himself of him, punching him in the face. Punch for punch, until his knuckels were covered with Minho's warm blood. STILL NOT ENOUGH!!!! He threw Minho on the ground, Minho felt a sharp pain in his head area. Was it a stone he felt on?„You know.....you can't continue like this....and if so...Chan will never love you....if I get away..I tell you...I will call the police...." Felix sat on him, pushing Minhos hands on the cold hard ground, not letting this shitty Minho of. He buried his fingernails deeply in Minho's skin, causing more pain. „Do you think he really loves you?", Felix asked, grinning like an psycho. Dark pupils looking like they were washed.  „More than he would love you. Please Felix...I'm sorry. I don't want to argue...I will forget about this, okay? We will find a way? Please, I beg you, Felix. Let go off me and I will be silent. We can forget about it right? Please." Felix didn't know if Minho really meant it. For him the death of this boy was the most important thing ever. He fucked Chan so many times. He kissed him way more than Felix kissed Chan. Chan called Minho even his boyfriend!

„FUCKING DIE", Felix screamed and punshed him another time in his ugly face. A face that will never ever smile again. Just dead emotions and a dead body. No more enemy. Chan will be his, right? He secretly wanted Minho dead, right? He didn't love him. Not a single piece of him loves shitty Minho, RIGHT? Felix got up, looking down to the wimpering Minho who was still in pain. Felix calmed himself down. Minho was in pain. But not dead. Felix kicked with the tip of the shoes on Minhos stomach, causing Minho to moarn in more pain. „Stop...it", Minho caughed, while trying to get up but failed, because Felix kept him on the ground by stepping on him. Minho caughed blood and the sound of it calmed Felix more. He continued kicking Minho, till he couldn't do anything exept caughing blood und shiver. Everytime he tried to crawl away, Felix would punch him in his face. Felix was the predator who would play with his pray till they did their last breath. Till every single drop of blood run outside of him and when that happens Felix would befinally free of shitty Minho. Some time passed and Minho was silent. No caughing anymore. Not a single move He laid in the grass, like dead. Near his face there was a small pond of dark blood. „Minho?", Felix asked silently.

He kneeld down and tried not to step in the blood wich sparkled by the pure moonlight. „Are you still alive?" Felix got close to Minhos mouth to hear his breathing but there was no breath wich came from his mouth. His chest didn't rise and felt anymore. Minho was dead. Felix smiled. He killed his biggest enemy. Now Chan will love him for sure after seeing Felix erased the dirt in his life. Minho was nothing but dirt. Felix grabbed a big stone and destroyed Minho's face in hitting him many many times with the massive stone till it was so broken and full of blood, that nobody could identidy Lee Minho anymore. Felix also knew that wild stray dogs lived in this area always searching for food and what was more delicious than fresh meat? Felix was sure the dogs will find Minho's corpse and mess up this place. There were no chance the police will find his own hairs to identify the murder of Minho, when it was  full of different dogfur. Another thing why he wanted to play the game here. Felix walked towards the trees, wich were near the fields and searched for his backbag, wich he hid there before meeting Minho. He put new clothes on and pulled out the zipper to burn the backbag with the blood covered clothes. Felix won't get caught. He was too confident and knew, that Chan would be proud of him. Before leaving Felix turned his head to the direction, where Minho's corpse was resting and whispered a "NightyNight, Lee fucking Minho".

Isn't the chapter beautiful? :')) I could write it way more gorey and violent and heck I wanted to make Felix piss on Minho's corpse but it would be too much :'D This chapter is already disturbing enough for you, I guess :) But it's just the beginning, we haven't seen Chan much in this story yet :')

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