-xXChapter 39Xx-

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Finally. The day has come. Chan was his boyfriend. Waiting really helped. If he would give up on him, wich he couldn't do anyways, he would never be in this situation. Felix's happiness rose the more he watched inside his now boyfriends eyes. They were sparkling like crazy and maybe his eyes would do the same. But wait. Chan haven't told him that he also loved him. Does this means he was the only one in the relationship wich was able to love. „Darling?" „Yes, my pretty boy?" „Do you love me?".

And Chan wasn't loving Felix. Not a single inch of his body was graving for Felix's love, just for his body. It was the same like Minho. Felix was just another time for distracting him. He didn't wanted to lie to him but lying would let Felix stay in his dreamworld a bit longer. The cloudy feelings will stay on Felix's side so he keeped the lie awake. He just need to control himself. Chan knew right now, that being now his boyfriend will hurt him way more. Maybe Felix would wish for death. He was begging somebody to kill him. Chan knew it and he tried to not do it. He hurted this boy too much and still he was lying to him. „Yes, I love you Felix...you make me so happy". „Do I really make you happy?, Felix asked while blushing red. Chan was being so cute again and it wasn't caused by selfharm. Maybe Chan was changing himself to be a better human. „Yes, you make me the happiest person on earth" And so fucking horny, when you're sad. Chan added in his mind. „Come here, let me kiss my pretty boyfriend". Felix didn't need to hear it twice and smashed his lips against Chan's. The feeling of Chan's soft lips was so strong and more intense now, since he was now his boyfriend. His lips felt so different now. So much better, because Felix knew, Chan was now his. The kiss got deeper and they were tonguekissing each other. Chan was carefully exploring Felix's mouth. It feels like Chan had lost all is roughness and was now a gentle human being. He didn't begged Felix to cut or to hit himself and he just enjoyed kissing Chan. It felt like heaven and Felix didn't want to broke the kiss. He wanted to touch Chan way more than just his neck and his collarbone. He wanted to touch his well build chest and carass him there, feeling his abs and the power in them. 

Chan was the one, who broke the kiss but just because he needed to catch air. Felix's lips made him breathless. After breaking the kiss he could still feel Felix lips on his. The softness, the sweet taste. Felix's cuteness. „Do you want to do something? Like karaoke or going in the gaming hall? We have the whole day for us. I let you decide, since this day should be awesome. It's our first day being a couple, so let's make good memories. They were going to a crepe shop and Chan bought Felix the biggest and the most expensive one. Felix didn't wanted Chan to spend so much money on him but Chan was completly okay with it. Felix watched that crepe with such bright eyes so he just bought it. Felix enjoyed his crepe and just sat next to Chan, who was wrapping an arm around him.

 The time was running away when Felix was with Chan. He enjoyed every second with Chan. His warm smile, his nice warm hands. His scent, wich Felix couldn't get enough of. „Let's make a selfie together", Felix suggested while they were sitting on a bench enjoying the nature. „Yes, a selfie is nice". Felix grabbed his phone and turned the camera mode on. While Felix took phones, he could feel Chan's lips on his cheeks. He was kissing him again and this made Felix heart skipped a beat. How cute Chan can be? It was like he was another human than in his flat. It feels so different to be around him when it's not because Chan wanted him to cut. He wanted to be with him because he loved him. „Yo ucheeks are so soft", Chan said softly. „S-stop it, you make me blush", Felix said in a shy tone. „Maybe I want to see you plushing". Chan giggled and resthis head on Felix shoulder.

The days went by and Chan was still the cutest person ever. He texted Felix in the morning to wish him a good morning and kissed him softly when they meet in school. Jisung was watching them with mixed feelings. He couldn't forget how broken Felix was that day when he was spending time with him in his flat. However it looked like Felix was so happy being Chan's boyfriend. Chan will probably find love in Felix and maybe he will also have the cloud nine feeling, wich he searched for such a long time. Chan looked really happy, when he was spending time with his boyfriend. They look like such a cute couple and he didn't knew Chan could be so sweet to a person. He treated Felix like a prince and always made him smile.

But to be honest Chan was having a hard time keeping the lie up. He was graving for Felix's pain and tears. So much that he started to look for cutting pictures on the internet again to try to feel horny. Felix was cute and pretty but he couldn't make him horny anymore and Chan needed it. He didn't wanted to treat him like shit again so he hadn't sex with him for weeks. He just kissed him and Felix asked him, if he did something wrong, but Chan told him, he just didn't want to hurt him.

Why do I always write about the ship eating sweet things together before something bad will happen? :')) I really don't know why and it's weird. I guess I still can't write fluff :'DD My head is too messed up for it 0: Yeah, something very bad will happen to Lixie :) You will see in the next chapter. KIDDOS, we reached 300 Votes <333 Thank you so freaking much! This makes me so happy. Thought nobody wants to read it but I am so happy some people really enjoy this story. Maybe a bit too much :')

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