-xXChapter 24Xx-

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Chan felt relaxed and Minho finally dissappeared. He felt so much better. He didn't need to be sad anymore. Felix was crying. It distracted him but Chan wasn't satisfied yet. Chan still felt sadness and he wanted to be finally free of it, so he needed to make Felix more cry. He wanted to see more of the beauty of Felix sadness. He wanted to see more diamondtears, because he felt something other than just sad feelings. „I won't love you, you know? I can't", Chan said strictly. Felix was still crying and his words must hurt, because Felix didn't answer anymore. „It's better if we don't talk to each other again", he said. What? No. Please not. Felix was so in love with him. Why did he wanted to leave him? If he leaves by now, he would let Chan alone and he didn't want to be alone „No, don'tdo this! Dont this to me. I am sorry, Felix, that I can't love you but I need you. I really need you". Felix whimpered and that made Chans heart skip a beat. Such wonderful noises. He wanted to hear it longer. „I wish I don't need you. You're breaking me, Chan.....", Felix said silently. „You're breaking me so bad". Felix's voice shook  weak and broken. So broken for Chan. „Does it hurt, baby?", Chan said. His heart pounded so strongly against his ripcage. He could hear it. Loud and clearly. „Yes.....". What a cute respond. He is really hurting Felix.

And this was the moment, Chan felt something new.

It was just a blossom growing inside his chest. Felix tears were the seeds. Seeds of true beauty. Felix tears are a masterpiece. His masterpiece. „I'm not sorry, Felix." He said in a rough way. His heart still pounded strongly and he felt how horny he slowly got of it. Felix really made him horny. „I should leave...you don't need me....". „I need you more than ever. I need you right now, baby". His dick got fully hard just by seing Felix tears. „Please don't lie. I have enough,Chan. I can't continue like this". New tears run out of Felix red swolen eyes. He can't hold them up. Chan touched his crotch, felt the bulge in his pants and the arousal in his veins. Felix was so broken in a cute way. How he was so teared apart by his own feelings for him made Chan breathe harder and unzipped his pants. He wanted to touch himself to Felix wimpering. The sound of it really turned him on. So much, that he felt his tip was wet by precum. Damn, he was really horny for Felix. „You can do it. I won't leave you, don't worry. Even when I continue hurting you, baby". Chan started to stroke his hardened dick and it felt so amazing. It felt more amazing than the last times because he was the one, that made Felix feel so horrible and destroyed. „W-what are you talking?", Felix said, comepletly captured by sorrow and heartbreaks. Why did he call him baby? And why did Chans voice sounds raspy and rough? It sounds like he was jerking off. Felix never knew how it sounds like when Chan touches himself but he always imagined and it sounded exactly like this. He didn't understand why Chan was fucking himself at the moment.  He also didn't understand himself for not hanging up. The friendship is over. He can't be Chans friend anymore when he breaks him so badly and still Chan said, he won't leave him behind.

„Still hurt because of me?", Chan asked in his raspy voice, while pleasuring himself. Faster, stronger. „Yes....are you.....masturbating? " Pushed by Felix sorrow Chan felt like heaven and it didn't took long for him to come. Chan saw how much he came on his hand. So much cum. He tried to calm himself down. „Oh, you've heared it? So much Chan's cream on my hand.  It's just beause of you, baby. You're beautiful", Chan said and he really mean it. Felix was a real beauty. A beauty with wonderful tears. What if Felix ever get a bruise or cuts? He would be the prettiest boys on earth. 

Chan called him beautiful. He never told him something like this and he was telling him, how much he came.  Maybe it's just because Chan tried to distract him up but what for if he was the one, who started it? Chan couldn't help. "Felix?", he asked him, while breathing deep.„What the fuck do you want from me? Can you just leave?" Chan was looking at him like a needy mess.  „I want you to hit yourself, baby. Just a little bruise for me, your beloved Chan. It's the only thing I am asking for. Can you do it for me, my pretty boy?"

And Felix hung up. Was Chan out of his mind? There must be something wrong with Chan. Something is surely broken in him. Nobody wants to have bruises. But he called him pretty boy. He asked him so gently and warm. Felix was confused. „I am sorry", Chan responded and he really was. His kink was controlling his words, his actions, his appearance. Everything. But he couldn't help himself. Chan was helpless and he wanted to feel better. Was it so worse wanting to feel better? He also didn't want to lose Felix because he realized how much Felix meant to him. The blonde boy made him so much better and loved. He needed to feel it more. Not just now. He needed Felix.Please don't leave me. I am sorry, Felix. I shouldn't have said that. It was wrong. Just forget it. I still want to beyour friend. Please". Felix didn't want to respond to it. Seing Chan begging so badly was kinda cute but he won't forget what Chan wanting him to do. Hitting himself. Chan was the crazy kid. Not him.


My heart's racing so fast, while I'm uploading it :'))))) I NEEDED TO UPLOAD THIS CHAPTER SO BADLY. That's why I uploaded a lot of chapters lately, just because of this beautiful chapter and I hope you love it as much as I do ;) <33 Precious Chan loves to fuck up Felix ;) Btw I will start to write the one ChanlixFF and I am so on fire to mess up things again :)

Btw how is my english writing? Is it still readable? I haven't asked in a while if you still understand the things I try to describe 0:

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