-xXChapter 7Xx-

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Felix was cute. The freckles and those big brown eyes made him look like he needed somebody to protect him. Somebody, who could need a warm hug, when feeling weak. Felix liked him and maybe he just wanted to be his friend. Chan heared his deep voice for the first time even he seemed to know him much longer than since this little meeting in the infirmary. Perhaps he was just too scared to talk to him. Poor little guy. Wanted to be his friend so badly but couldn't speak clearly. Guess he should help him and try to be his friend. Maybe he will loose this anxious expression in his cute face.

The next day he was trying to get more information about Felix. He asked Jisung, if he knew a Felix, wich goes two classes below them. Sadly his friend didn't know about him, so Chan had to ask another person. Then, after class he spottet Felix. He was watching him with his big brown eyes, silent and alone. „Hey Felix", Chan shoutet at him, while approaching. Felix wasn't prepaired for this. He thought Chan would ignore him because he acted like a creep yesterday. Who would talk to a person, who said those creepy things? Not enough time to try answering the question. Better he should ran away. He is still not prepaired to face Chan. What if he asked him, why he'd lie about his 'sickness'. Chan will know, that he just went there to see him and that's what a creep would do. Felix is far away from being on of them, he just loved Chan.

Felix tried to walk away but his feet won't move. Rather that they froze in time. Felix was paralyzed. Whatever, it was too late anways, to run away. Chan got in front of him and smiled at him. Giving this charming and warm smile, wich Felix always wished, it was for him. It felt like his heart melt away just because of this certain smile. „Hey, Felix". Chan's eyes were too intense to look in them, so Felix rather watched on another point other than his face. „Hey Chan". Another expression grew on Chan's face. It was serious. „Where you watching me from a far?", he asked, lowering his voice, so that just Felix could hear it. „M-maybe?"Was Felix so desperate to be his friend? There was no other reason for him why he watched him all the time...or was he...no. Felix looked like he would just date cute girls and no guys. Chan raised his brow, still looking serious. Even without looking in his eyes right away, Felix felt like Chans eyes could burn holes inside of him. He better should stop it or Felix would start another try to run away. „Hey, do you wanna hang out with my friends and me in the lunch break? I would like to get to know you. You seemed that you really like me in some way". A quick laugh after finishing the sentence.

Actually Felix would also spend his time with his friends but this sounds like heaven. He really had a chance to get to know Chan! He thought that this would be always impossible to him. Chan was so damn populair and then he decided to hang out with somebody like him. Unbelievable. Felix's head nodded faster than his head could create words. „Alright, let's meet here when we have both lunch break. See you later". Chan waved at him, before he went away and let Felix alone. Slowly Felix got out of his paralyzed made by Chan and started to smile. Soon and he will have class so he walked back in his classroom, where his friends were hanging out during break. Seungmin noticed the little smile on his friend's face. „Hey, did you finally talk to Chan or why are you smiling like you won in Fortnite?" Felix sat down and put his book for the next lesson on his desk . „Yes we talked and now we're hanging out during lunch break".

Felix couldn't wait any longer. The time was moving so slow, too slow for Felix's own taste. Luckily there was so much stuff to do, that Felix was always working on exercises and then finally the bell rang. Felix was one of the first, who  packed his things first even though he would be one ofthe last ones, who stayed in the classroom just to talk a little bit more with his friends. „Have fun with Chan", his friends said, after the teacher dissmissed the class. Felix wanted to run but since it's not allowed in the school hall, he had to walk. 

As the first one he waited. Five minutes later, Chan was still not around. Felix waited a bit longer. Then finally, after ten more minutes, Felix saw him, walking over him with his friends. He saw Jisung, wich were clinging onto Changbin and Felix could see, that Changbin was not very comfortable with it. The way Jisung grabbed his arm, looks like this would actually hurts. However besides that Changbin looked very happy. Showing a little smile. Next to Chan there was Taewoong, wich was talking to Chan, making him laugh. Then Chan saw Felix. „Have you waited long? Sorry, but we had to grab Changbin. Jisung was graving for him and wouldn't stop getting on my nerves, so yeah, thats why we're a bit too late. Did you waited long?"Just fifteen Minutes and fourty seconds, Felix thought. „Guys, this is Felix, we metyesterday. Felix, these are my friends, Jisung with his boyfriend Changbin and Taewoong". Felix tried to smile. It was harder than he thought, getting dangerously closer to another paralyzing situation just because Chan was so close to him. „Nice to meet you".

Happy Valentine's day!! Or happy single pringle's day :') <3 How did you spend the day? I will upload two chapter today because I can! :D Also, who is still waiting for the real shit? I promise you, it will happen soon, just hold on, kiddos :D <33

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