-xXChapter 8Xx-

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During the lunch break Felix saw new sides of Chan. He was like a treasure, wich contained way more jewels than expected. Felix never knew he also can be this funny and like to tease others. Not a single second passed by without Felix looking at him, because he wanted to catch every little moment that Chan made into a special moment. Felix was very calmly while sitting next to him, imagined how he would rest his head on his shoulders, smiling and just be happy. The only reason that destroyed his little perfect thought is when Chan was looking at other cute boys. That's when Felix wanted to see them bleed.

„Hey, you you wanna hang out on Friday evening?", Chan asked while watching at Felix. „Oh yes. I will be very happy about that". And Felix was more than happy about the question. He was that excited that sleeping became unnesessecary later, jerking off to Chan lost it's sense, because he will meet him again and maybe he can hug him, feeling his addicting warm, because Felix got addicted to his warm, since he sat next to him on lunch break. Felix texted him, because they wanted to hang out in Felix's place. Before meeting him, he was checking out in the mirror. Did he look cute and adorable like this? He wanted to be totally adorable for Chan, dressing himself in pastel colours. Felix heart beated faster, as he listened the bell ring and he ran faster as ever. He opened the door and Chan was standing there, handsome and attractive like always. Today even a bit more. Chan was wearing a leather jacket and a gold chain wich made him way more sexy than he already was. Felix wanted to grab him so badly on this gold chain, while pressing his lips against his. The imagination of it won't stop. They got just more intense. Felix also smelled a bit of cologne. Felix was nearly dying, because Chan kept him breathless. First Felix offered him something to drink and he watched exited while Chan was drinking. Yes, this meeting will end up great!

„My room's the last one", Felix said, while walking with Chan. They made a little housetour before. Someday we will live here together when we share the same surname, darling. Felix smiled so much, as they reached Felix room. Of course he hid all the pictures of Chan, wich are usually all over his wall. He always locked his room, so his parents won't ever see the pictures. Chan entered the room and watched everything. Felix's bed, the little desk and the other stuff that was placed in the room nicely. „Nice room", Chan said. „Than kyou". I even put perfume on for you. I want you to feel like home, because someday it's also yours. „So Felix, tell me a bit about yourself", Chan said. I love you. „Uhm...there is nothing special about me". Felix really would have a boring life if he hadn't Chan, who made his life a colourful place. Besides the dark spaces wich resembled Felix jealousy.

„C'mmon...there has to be something", Chan said, as he sat on the chair near Felix desk. „I am just a random guy, wich really want sto be your friend". A little smile on Chan lips. „That's what I also thought. The thing with being my friend. Aren't we already kind of friends? We get along and you're very nice."Felix felt how his cheeks got red. Chan complimented him. His Chan really liked him. „Thank you, I really appreciate it..I was..so scared to talk to you". Felix felt into another anxious situation. He wasnt used to Chan being this kind to him. „Sorry, I am so damn tired. Guess I haven't slept that good", Chan said.  Yes, it works! „You...can rest here...if you want.. I dont...mind".If Chan would sleep here, he could watch him while was sleeping and taking picture of his cute face and adding it to his collection. A sleeping face is something he really wanted to have, so he could kiss him good night, when going to bed. „Wouldn't it be weird?" Felix smiled. Not a single thing is weird, when it comes to you, darling. Felix thought, while shaking his head. „Like I said. I dont mind. I need to do homeworks anyway" Just an excuse. „If you say so" Chan wouldn't do such stuff but he felt like he could sleep everywhere. Even on a dirty toiletfloor. He wouldn't mind. Chan got up and laid on Felix's bed.

Little that he knows, Felix put a sleeping pill in his drink. That's why Chan felt so tired. He closed his eyes and started to sleep. Time to stare at the sleeping beauty. Felix grabbed the chair and placed it near his bed. „Sleep well, darling", Felix whispered, while grabbing his phone. Chan looked that beautiful while sleeping, so Felix didn't hesistate and took a photo. What a wonderful picture. It was perfect for his collection. Could he go more far? Chans lips looked so inviting, so nice. Felix bowed down and softly kissed him. Of course he took a photo of him kissing Chan. Luckily Chan didn#t wake up from it. The sleeping pill is strong. Chan would sleep a bit longer.

Felix watched at him for hours until he felt like peeing. Why now?! Felix sighed and went to the restroom. He drank too much with Chan. Of course in his glass was no sleeping pill. It was Feli's own fault for him loosing some seconds with Chan. He was counting them. It was a long piss, because when he got back, Chan was awake, staring at him while holding a little picture in his hand. A picture of him. Felix's jerk off picture. „What's this?"

WhAts ThIs, FeLix :') Told you, things will be more exited soon :D

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