-xXChapter 14Xx-

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„Why did you bring me in here?" ,Minho asked the older one. „I wanted to be alone with your pretty and handsome face." Chan smiled at him brightly. Walking towards Minho, he could feel strong frustration. Unbearable frustration. „Oh, you wanted to be alone with me? Why?",  Minho asked, slowly noticing why he was brought in here. He wasn't that innocent like he would look on the outside. Actually he started to see Chan in his dreams and he always woke up with a huge boner, „Oh, are you searching for some company, huh?" Minho grinned. „I want to kiss you", Chan said, while grabbing Minho's waist. „Since the first day when you appear out of nowhere. I thought how handsome and sexy you are." So Minho wasn't the only one who saw him in that kind of way. Chan was also like this. „I thought the same to be honest. You're so damn handsome and do you know what?" Minhos eyes sparkled. „What?"

Minho leaned in front of Chan, kissing his neck gently. „You appeared in my dreams." Opening his mouth a little he started to lick the sensitive skin on Chans neck, causing Chan to shiver. He didn't know that Minho turned out to be like this. Seductive and needy. His first impression of Minho was how cute and Chan was a bit anxious for showing him this room and it would make him laugh out of embarassement. Chan thought he would just go, leaving him alone with all the frustration but things turned out even better. Minho was also in the mood. „Oh, what have I done in your dreams?" Teasing him, Chan raised Minhos chin and looked deep in his eyes. Sparkles of lust. Brown and shiny. „You fucked me hard and I woke up touching me because you made me so horny, that I couldn't sleep anymore". Minho opened the buttons of Chans shirt and touched the soft skin of Chan. „So this is how your body finally looks like. I like the view". Chan could feel every inch of minhos hands going down to his abs. „I really love the view". „Should we make your dreams reality?" Chan asked while touching Minhos crotch. Minho started to groan in Chans ears. Warm breath on his skin. Thick atmosphere. Chan kissed the younger one, while opening Minhos pants to stroke his dick, wich already reacted to the touch of Chans hand. Chan can feel how slowly hard Minho get. His own dick is pulsating inside his pants, growing bigger Lust got mixed with more frustration. Chan couldn't hold it anymore. Pressing Minho against an old desk, he set his frustration free. Even without any love this would be fun.

He leaned towards Minho and the younger one can feel how hard Chan was, while Chan was resting his hand on Minhos shoulder and saw how Minhos dick was twitching like crazy, just by somes simple strokes. Minho shivered while undressing Chan and watching his full growing member popping out after also undressing. „I still like the view"", Minho added, before kissing Chan on his collarbone. Chan cotinued stroking Minhos dick, to finally shut Minho up with a hungry kiss. A kiss full of frustration. Minho moaned in his mouth, his wet tongue entered Chans mouth, exploring it. Chan put more pressure on giving Minho a handjob, while his own dick is so unbearable hard, that it was hard not to touch it. Minho bitted his lips because of the arousal. He searched Chans dick and touched it gently. If he makes him feel him that good, Chan also need to feel that unbelievable great. „Do you enjoy your dream?".

„Not yet, I need your dick inside of me. Now. C'mmon Chan, give me more sleepless nights. Turn me into a mess." Minho couldn't wait any longer. He waited so much for Chans wonderful dick. Now it was time, to fill his ass with his warm cum. Chan licked his finger wet to thrust into Minho's ass to wide him. The younger started to moan after he felt Chans hot wet finger inside him. After making sure Minho was ready to fuck he grinned. „Here's your sleepless night", Chan said, thrusting gently inside Minho. The younger moaned loudly and Chan loved every of the noices. Minho was so hot and tight for him. It was even more fun than he thought and the frustration over love slowly faded away. Another hard thrust causing Minho to whimper and begging for more. „Fill me up already". Minho continues moarning. Chan continued thrusting until he feel his own cum floating inside Minhos cute ass. White thick liquid ran out. Minho felt that awesome to finally having Chans lovely cum inside of him, he closed the eyes, while taking deep breaths.

Chan pulled his dick out and grinned at the mess called Minho. Looks like he really needed the little fucksession. So that made it two. Chan felt more relaxed than ever. Maybe he should always fuck Minho, when he was so frustrated over not getting love. „I have a favourite place now", Minho said while still feeling how Chans cum was still inside of him, making everything wet in that place. „It's also my favourite place now", Chan added with a big smile. Minho wouldn't be his boyfriend but his friend for those kind of things. He was perfect for it.

Felix heard everything. Every fucking moarn. Chan was having sex with Minho. Deep anger entered Felix body, making him almost opening the door to push that assholeMinho away from his boyfriend. He wasn't allowed to fuck Chan. He was even not allowed to touch him. Neither an inch of his clothes.

 He has a plan.

Oiiiii, Felix what's your plan? Tell us :D Oh, Chan and Minho? Feel being watched? :'DDDD You don't know how MUCH I struggled with this chapter. My mind was completely empty while writing it D: I am so sorry for the bad smutchapter, I tried. Chanlix isn't coming true, huh? I needed to write this chapter...becauseee... 

...... :) 

Felixity (Chanlix FF, english)Where stories live. Discover now