-xXChapter 43Xx-

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His boyfriend wasn't in school today. Chan got worried even if he knew Felix was still alive. The whole day he missed him so much and just wanted to apologize to him. Apologize won't work but it's all Chan could do. Felix was too broken. Chan needed to collect all the shards of Felix's heartand bring them together. If this was possible. A broken heart is hard to save but he shouldn't think like this. There is still hope. A single chance for him to do everything right starting from now. He wanted to be a good boy and a better boyfriend, which treated him nicely and showed him how much he cared for him and Chan cared so much for Felix.

Chan felt excited and worried while he was waiting for Felix. He asked Jisung to go to Changbin and now he was alone here like Felix wanted. The question was why? Did he want to hurt himself and try to get fucked by him again? It worked once but this time Chan tried to look Felix in another way. He didn't want to see Felix cutting for himself anymore. He just wanted to hug him and kiss him. Many many times. Till his lips are swolen and his heart near exploding because Felix showed him love. He needed to thank him. For making his life complete. Felix was always the missing piece in his heart.

Felix rang the bell and waited until Chan opened the door. Chan smiled after seeing his beautiful boyfriend but then he froze. Felix's face was covered in bruises. He hitted himself because of him again. Please not. „Felix...I am sorry...I am so sorry...." Chan pulled Felix in a hug. „I am sorry for doing always so cruel things to you..you don't deserve it...Call me shitface or whatever you like...I don't deserve you to be your darling". Chan hugged him tightly but Felix didn't wrapped his arms around him. „Felix..I need to tell you something". He closed the door behind them before hugging him again. Chan needed his warmth. He kissed him softly on the forehead. „I love you, Felix. I always did but I was blind right from the beginning. You're the one, the missing piece in my life. You showed me what love is". Chan kissed him gently again. This time on Felix's lips.

„Do you like my bruises?", Felixa sked without any emotion. „No...I don't like them anymore...because I love you..I don't want to see you this hurt...please don't ever do it again for me again? Promise me. Your face is too pretty and beautiful for bruises". Chan really ment it. Seeing Felix bruises made his heart ache. „Well...then I fucked up, hm?", Felix asked him with a weird tone in his voice. He pushed Chan away. This boy fucked him up. He made his life into anightmare.

And nightmares always end. Doesn't matter how intense or horrible they are. After waking up nightmares are just a memory and Chan will also be just a memory. Felix woke up.

„Well...what should we do then if you don't like my bruises anymore?". Felix took a step in front of Chan. He could feelt he knife in his pants. Felix could feel the cold material of it. He shivered. „Are you okay?", Chan asked him with worring eyes. „No. I am not okay and do you know why? Because you fucked my life up. I just wanted you to love me and what did you actually give me? Heartbreaks. Should I count the many times while I was crying because you broke my heart? Should I do it, Chan?"

Another step towards him. Chan shivered a bit. He never saw this weird expression on Felix's face. It was...scary. „I am sorry...Felix...you have to believe me...I hate myself because of this. Let's start new...I promise you to love you the way you love me..I will show it everyday". Chan softened his voice, so Felix could calm down. He wasn't alright. He looked horrible. „Don' you thinki t's too late for apologize? I stopped believing, Chan. I know you will continue like this. You will continue breaking my heart, right?" Felix eye twitched crazy. Felix looked like he wanted revenge. „No, I promise you..I will never break your heart again"", Chan said while tryi ng to reach to Felix. He didn't knew the Felix, wich was facing him. The dark eyes were unfamiliar. Dangerous. „I don't believe you...hey Chan? Should I tell you a secret?". Felix giggled weirdly as he took another step forward. Close enough to touch Chan, to kiss him.

Or to stab him.

CLIFFHANGER >:D But don't worry, you don't have to wait for the last chapter like oTheRs. I'll post it tomorrow :> And yes, it's the last :(

About that JeonghoFF. I think I don't post it because it got very fucked up during the plot and I don't want to get hatecomments again because I showed Jeongin in a very inapproriate way so yeah. I have another JeonghoFF, wich is similair to this story but it's in german and also there is no german JeonghoFF :( Time to change it. It also has just 18 chapters, so it's a short story. Jeez, I am so sorry that I can't upload that one JeonghoFF :(

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