xXChapter 12Xx-

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After class Jisung walked towards Minho. „Hey, I'm Jisung and this is Chan. Want a tour?" Chan sighed. Jisung wanted to bring them together. He always tried to do it and it never worked out. Minho smiled at him. What a wonderful smile.  „Yes, that would be very nice. The girls here are weird." Jisung laughed. „Oh yes, because they can't accept that your beautiful face is gay." Minho looked at Jisung, who grabbed him at the shoulder like an old friend. „Beautiful? Oh...is there any way that you are also gay?" „Yeah but I have a wonderful boyfriend, which are we seeing now! Chan over here is also gay and he needs a boy to date and to f-" „Shush, stupid squirrel!" Chan gently hitted his friend. „Hey, that hurt!" Minho laughed. The boys are funny and besides that Chan looks very handsome.

Felix hid himself behind the wall and starred at the three of them. Well, there was a new boy. Must be new and he looked dangerously pretty and pretty means there is a chance that Chan would like him. Fucking go away, from my boyfriend, asshole, Felix thought while swallowing the growing anger inside of him. That damn boy is not allowed to stand that close to him! Felix heard how Chan laughed and saw how Minho smiled at him. He should stop. RIGHT NOW! He had to do something against it! But how? Felix was too shy to go straight to Chan and tell the guy, he should fucking go away. With every second passing by, Felix felt more rage inside of him. Soon and his body would burn from a fire caused by deep rage. However he started to follow them silently.

„Hey what about Felix? Doesn't he wantto hang out with us during the lunch break? Minho would like him. Felix is a nice guy." „Who is Felix?", Minho asked. Chan immadialety tought of friday evening. How Felix told him how much he loved him. Better forget it. The faster it goes away, the less Felix has to suffer. „Forget him". Jisung noticed how Chan deepened his voice, „What happened?" , Jisung asked. He thought Chan liked Felix and it lookedl ike they were turning into good friends. Something had happened between them. „Nothing important. Minho, here's the art room". Chan pointed at a room, wich was in front of them.

Of course Felix heared it. How Chan told Jisung, he should forget him, like he died for Chan. What has he done so badly, that Chan speak out such a painful words?  Felix didn't know. Chan was his boyfriend. His precious boyfriend and he treated him like this? WHY? Felix body shivered very strong. His heart was aching. Why did Chan hurt him so much? His eyes got teary again but now it's not time to cry. Its time to leave. He stared to look at him and Minho noticed him. „Hey Chan, who is the guy over there? The one with the bright blonde hair? Looks like he was following us." Seeing Chan that pissed is another way to get hurt. How can Felix bear so much pain? „This is Felix. Don't mind him." Jisung was the last of the three, who saw the younger boy. He was shouting at him. „Hey Felix. Why don't you come over? I want to introduce you to Minho. Felix is shy. He wants to be Chans friend so badly". Minho was confused. Why did Chan said something different then? „Leave, Felix!", Chan shouted in his direction, pushing Minho to make him start walking.

„What happened between you to, if I may ask? It seems like he really wants to come here over but you don't want to." „Like I said, nothing important. C'mmon Minho, lets finally meet Changbin." Jisung eyes started to spark. „Yay, Binnieboy, I'm coming for you". After saying that Jisung behaved like a fanboy, talking just about how wonderful Changbin is and the conversation is boring for Felix. Also Chan told him to leave and he didn't want to cause more anger in Chans brown eyes. It was enough watching him for today. There was always a next day. He walked back to his classroom, where Yunmin and Seungmin were sitting. „Can we go to the cafeteria, please?", Felix asked his friends. „Not today. I am playing a game", Yunmin said, while holding his phone high. „I'll go with you. Wait a minute. Let me grab some money. I am thirsty".

Felix and Seungmin walked together to the Cafeteria. „So how was the day with Chan?" Felix forgot to keep him updated. „It was awesome. We have kissed and now we are dating". Felix smiled. „This is awesome! I am so happy for you! Finally you told Chan how you feel. Why aren't you with him right now? You must miss him like hell." Seungmin always imagined how much lovers miss each other and Felix told him many times, how much he wants to be in Chans arms. „There is a new boy in his class and he is doing a tour at the moement". „That's very nice." „Yes, Chan is the best". And mine. Even if he didn't know it yet. „So what are you buying?", Felix asked his friend. „I really don't know yet. I will decide when we got there". While walking to the cafeteria he saw Chan again. He didn't notice him yet. „Oh here's your boyfriend", Seungmin smiled at him. „Yes, lets grab something fast and go back to the classroom." „Dont you wanna say hey to him?" „We already said hey and please hurry now", Felix said.

'Felix is a nice boy'. Yes, a nIcE BoY :'D If you know, what will happen in the future, Jisung, you would be SurPrisEd :)

Also, kiddos, thank you so much for reading this story. It means so much for me and seing your comments makes me smile, whenever I read them, so yeah, you always made my day and I hope you enjoy the story even tough the plot is slow and I am often not in a good mood :) Thank you <3

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