-xXChapter 22Xx-

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The next day Felix met Chan again during lunch break. Chan was still silent but tried to talk to Felix, since he missed talking to the blonde boy. He was such a good friend. Even though Felix looked a bit sad. Felix tried to smile the best he could. Chan needed somebody on his side and he wanted to be there, helping Chan, even if it means to feel the same pain everytime their eyes met. Felix just need to collect the shards of his broken heart and everything will be okay. The love for Chan will fade away. The wish of being a couple will die. It has to die or else Felix won't be able to breathe again. „So what are your hobbies?", Taewoong asked the blonde boy. He saw him not that often, because he always spend the lunchbreak with his friend of his class but meeting new people can be refreshing and Felix seemed nice, kinda sad but maybe it's juts that school is tiring. Felix said, he has to study a lot at the moment. „Hm...I like....dancing?", Felix said more as a question than an answer. To be honest he didn't have any hobbies since Chan was his only hobby. He never  payed attention to other stuff besides Chan. „Minho liked dancing, too", Jisung added silently, while starring at the bottle of juice in his hand. Please stop talking about him.Please don't Felix thought. Every thinking of Minho made him realize Chan was unreachable for him. Chan still loves Minho. Thats why he is always so silent. It's like Minho stealed all his words, made him mute. „What kind of dancing do you like?", Changbin asked and Felix was thankfull for switching the topic. „I like everything, I guess", Felix said.

Felix went back at his classroom. He felt sorry for his friends that he didn't spend the lunch break with them. Seungmin and Yungmin were okay with it, since Felix really liked to spend time with Chan and they could hang out on the weekends, too. „Did you already learn for the exam in korean?", Harin asked Felix. She always sat next to him. The blonde boy shook his head. „I don't need to study that much but I will do a bit today. How about you?" „I study since one week. I just don't understand the topic." Felix and Harin talked a bit until the teacher appeared. The next hour passed by slowly and Felix always thought of Chan. What else. „Felix? Can you give us the answer?", the teacher asked his student, but Felix wasn't paying attention at all. He was all in his mind, went blind to everything else but his thoughts. Chan. He always saw the dark haired boy with the gently smile. There was no escape for it, no way out. Felix mind was filled with painfull thoughts of Bang Chan. „Felix?", the teacher asked again, since he didn't got an answer for the first time. „He is talking to you", Yunmin said to Felix, wich was still completly drifting away. Slowly he got back in the class room, realizing the teacher wanted an answer of him. „Yes?Sorry... I haven't paid attention.....is it possible to catch some air? My head is a bit dizzy". Felix got the permission and went. Outside the classroom he tried to breathe. There has to be a way to escape Chan but Felix haven't found it yet. He didn't know where to start.

At nightime he sat down at his desk and opened the textbook for korean. Maybe learning would distract him. Felix grabbed a pen out of his pencil case and started to take notes. After studying a bit, he heared the tone of getting a message from his phone. Felix decided to take a quick break before studying again. He realized he it was past eleven. He needed to go to bed soon. School would be more stressful, if he would be tired. Maybe it's better to stop learning now and go to bed. Felix unlocked his phone,while closing the textbook and realized the message is from Chan: „I can't sleep. I can't think of anything else but Minho". Felix didn't wanted to reply to this message. He felt sad right after reading it. Chan is still thinking of Minho. Felix stood still, unable to breathe. The growing pain inside his chest pushed all the air out of his lungs. Felix, breathe! He reminded himself. Chan won't kill you. Just breathe. It hurts but it won't kill you, okay? But Felix knew the dark haired boy slowly killed him.


Felix is still painfully in love with Chan :')

In case you don't know who Yunmin is :> Here's a picture of him. He is so unebelievable adorable and cute uwu.  STAN NEWKIDD <333 AND STAN PINK FANTASY <3333


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