-xXChapter 40Xx-

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Today was such an unsatisfying day for Chan. He was all kind and gentle to Felix and his boyfriend thanked him with a big bright smile and soft kisses. Chan was graving for his pain, that it was so hard not ask him again, if he could do it for him. It would make Felix sad and Chan didn't want to hurt him anymore. The road to pleasure ended here. If he couldn't sleep with Felix anymore, then both of them needed to accept it but still Felix felt sad, because Chan haven't touched him in this way for so long now and he really missed it. Chan was the one, who was dying inside because he couldn't feel pleasure anymore. He wanted to see Felix crying and seeing him cutting wide open for him so he decided to follow the road to pleasure again. What is life without pleasure? And still Chan tought of Minho and how he made him that horny without even seeing him cut himself for him. Guess Felix was so present and strong in his heart, that he became the only human Chan knew, wich could make him horny. Just Felix and nobody else. Chan tried everything to masturbate but nothing helped. In the end it was still Felix, wich made him horny, so he needed to be bad again. Making Felix and him happy wasn't possible. Either him or Felix had to suffer to make the other one happy. Chan suffered for too long now and it was time to turn tables.

Later the day he lied to Felix again and told him he needed to study for an exam when in reality he visited a gay bar. His wish for being horny again was so strong, so unbereable strong, that Chan would make everything just to feel it again. The gaybar called 'Double Knot' and it wasalways full on this time. Chan put sexy clothes on and put perfume on him to beattractive and he has to admit the tight black jeans looked very well on him. Time to make Felix jealous so he would cry and make Chan finally horny again. First of the night,Chan ordered a coke. He didn't tend to be drunk this day, so a light drink was enough. There were really pretty boys here and they warched him. Chan sipped on his glass, looking for a boy he could talk to.

And then he saw a beauty. He had black hair and puffy lips. He was dancing at the moment and he can dance. Chan needed to talk to this handsome boy, so he got up from his seat and try to reach the boy, wich was dancing on the floor. His moves were so sexy and beautiful Chan couldn't look away. The boy noticed him, too. He was smiling at him and Chan melt away of this beautiful and attractive smile. This boy was the most attractive boy he ever saw. The song stopped and the boy with the black hair smirked at him. „You like what you see?", he asked, while pushing his hair back, wich was extremly sexy. „Yes". Chan got near to him. Not only his smile was amazing, he smelled so good and Chan was already attached to him. „What is your name?",Chan asked him. „I am Hyunjin. Nice to meet you. Wanna sit together? I am a bit tired." And Chan said yes.

Hyunjin and Chan sat on a red couch. „And what is the beauty called?". Hyunjin smirked again. „Chan", he responded while starring on Hyunjin's puffy lips. How nice it would be to kiss them. „Chan. What a beautiful name". Chan plushed a bit. „You look so pretty." Hyunjin smiled and started to talk to the pretty stranger. He found out that Chan was a nice boy and such a beauty. Hyunjin told a bit about himself and how much he loved dancing. „You have some great dancing skills", Chan complimented and was still looking on Hyunjin's lips. He would try to kiss them. He wanted to feel them against his.

Another song started and Huynjin got up. „I love this song! Let's dance together!" Hyunjin eyes sparkled as he was reaching for Chan's hand. It was a soft touch but it was burning inside Chan.  Hyunjin and Chan got to the dancefloor and it didn't take long for Huynjin dancing to the rythm of the song. Chan was totally fascinated of Hyunjin. He looked so damn sexy and then Hyunjin grabbed Chan's hands again to put them on his tights. Hyunjin smiled. Chan wanted to kiss him now, so he was leaning towards the boy, wich was a bit taller than him and kissed him. Hyunjin was surprised of Chans spontanous kiss but he liked it. Hyunjin  wrapped his arms around Chan.

„Let's search for a quiter place than this", Hyunjin said after breaking the kiss. Chan said yes and they both left the dancefloor. Hyunjin grabbed Chans hand and walked with him to a quiter place. There weren't many people here and it was good enough to continue the thing, they stopped on the dancfloor. „This night is turning pretty nice for us, does it?", Huynjin asked with another smirk. „Shut up and just kiss me", Chan said and pulled him closer. Hyunjin smashed his lips against his and it wasn't that shy anymore like on the dancfloor. This time the kiss was wild and messy and soon Chan found himself touching Hyunjin's ass.  He rested his other hand in Hyunjin's hair. Just the sound of their beating hearts and their lips kissing and nothing else.

TheRe iS HyunJin :')) Yeah, Chan is more horrible now :')) What will Felix say and do?!  WHAT WILL HE DO?! 0: BUT ITS HYUNCHAN AT LEAST <33 :'DD

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