-xXChapter 13Xx-

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They rushed and bought something. Felix always looked out for Chan but luckily he didn't saw him. He would shout at him more. Seungmin took a sip from his bought fruitjuice. „That's what I needed so badly right now". Felix rushed even they have left the cafeteria, wich has turned into a unsafe place for Felix. He knew that he should avoid Chan for some time. Just to make him feel better and maybe think once more over his confession. Maybe Chan will feel very sad because he turned him down. Also he is is boyfriend and boyfriends love each other! Chan is just confused over his own feelings for him. It needs some time to figure it out, that he loves Felix deeply. 

Days gone by and Minho turned into Chan's and Jisung's friend. Chan also introduced him to his other friends  Hansol and Taewoong from the other class and it was great seeing them getting well together. Chan couldn't need some friends who would just argue. He saw Felix still around but like always the blonde boy stayed silent and just watching him, as if it would be his most important thing in the world. Even though he is always alone, he still had friends and that made Chan relived. He saw them. Felix wasn't a lonely kid. He will hopefully get over him soon. It would make everything much easier for him. 

Minho was truly a sunshine. He had the abbility to make everyone smile around him, even the girls, wich lost their attention to him, since they knew, Minho was gay. It was impossible not to smile, when Minho is in the room. Chan was also attached to his smile and noticed, that he smiled a lot more, since Minho was his friend. His good looking friend. Chan could be happy. Having a good life with friends, who liked him in the way he was but what is happiness without sadness? Frustration added? Chan felt still very unhappy about the fact, that he has no shoulder to lean on, like Jisung and Changbin. Everytime they did this little thing, Chan could feel how jealousy greeted him and just hardly got off him. That's when he saw Minho in another way. Not just as a friend. Chan hated himself for thinking of this and he would break his own rule, not to see his anyone in this kind of way again but Chan was weak for Minho. His kisses would be great. Like kissing clouds. Whenever he thought of this, Chan shooked his head like a wet dog. No, don't youdare ever think of him in this way! It was a boring school day and Chan got hardly sleep last night. He wasn't just needing love. He needed way more than love. He w as frustrated, because he can't share his pleasure with others so fucking himself got boring. One night stands got boring as well because nothing can make him feel like he was loved. Chan slowly felt like this  actually his life. Fucking without any love. So yesterday night was just another sleepless night. Alone. Unloved.

„Hey Chan? I asked you a thousands of times and you havent responded yet". Chan didn't noticed his friend because he could easily sleep right now. Resting his head onto the desk turned out more comfortable than expected. „Yes?", Chan asked without raising his head. He rather wanted to stare in pure darkness than looking at his friend. „Do you think Changbin would be happy, if I'll buy him a necklace with his name?" Oh right, Changbin andJisung were in a relationship since seven months soon. Changbin and Jisung looked like they were made forever.

Slowly Chan felt anger and another hated feeling: Jealousy. Because of the avoidance from the last days, the feeling got more intense and stronger now. It was laughing at Chan for being so weak. Too weak to do something against it. Chan just wanted his thoughts to shut up. He was too tired to listen to the same thought over and over again: That he won't ever have something like Changbin und Jisung. Yes, he will die all alone, while the others around him get marry, have kids and grow old together. Chan hated it so much. So he decided to do something against it and sexual things always relaxes him. He will find Minho.

„Do you want to meet me after school? I need to ask you something", Chan asked his new friend. „Sure". Smiling at Chan Minho felt happiness. He noticed he liked Chan more than just a friend.Someday he wanted to tell him how he really felt  about him and maybe they will get together. That would be awesome because since the first day, since Minho met Chan, he liked him and now he was starting to fall in love with him. After the school day Chan wanted Minho to follow him. He won't ask him for a date. No, he will ask him, if he wants to fuck him. Right away and short. Chan knew an empty class room, that belonged to thestudent council but since they got a new bigger room, last year, the class room was empty now. Jisung found it  and since then it was his room for making out with Changbin when he actually had P.E. Now it will be also Chans place to make out with the hot boy called Minho. „Come here". Chan gently opened the door and waited until Minho entered the door, before closing it behind them. Now he was alone with him.

Little that he knows, Felix also followed them and is now staring at the door.

Oh, did you actually saw this coming? :') It was obvious. Cliffhanger, because I can. YASS

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