-xXChapter 33Xx-

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„Please fuck me....I can't wait any longer...I need your dick inside of me", Felix said messy. More moans left his mouth, while Chan was touching his ass and making him wider. Felix was so hot and wet inside. „Will do it, baby". Chan held him and Felix wrapped his legs around Chan's tights, as the dark haired boy thrusted inside Felix's sweet hole. Felix felt pain because this was his first time being fucked. Chan is taking his virginity like he always wished for. The more Chan trusted into Felix, the less it hurts and the better it felt. It felt like heaven. Felix wanted Chan to fill him up, making him into a mess. „Fuck me harder", Felix begged desperatly. „Still so needy for me, huh?" Chan rammed his dick much harder inside Felix and it made him breathless. Chan was too much for him. He made his mind went all cloudy made by all the arousal, wich was running into his veins.

Chan fucked him so hard and awesome, that Felix was having an intense orgasm and he released his cum. Felix took a deep breath. His head was still cloudy but he felt happiness. Chan came inside of him nd Felix felt his hot liquid in his ass. How amazing Chans's cream felt isnide his ass. Chan smiled softly at Felix. „Did you like your reward, baby? So much Chan's cream just for you". „It was wonderful", Felix said and kissed Chan's lips. They were so soft and hot. Felix couldn't stop kissing him and Chan wrapped his arms around him. The blonde boy didn't want the hug to be ended. It was too comfortable in Chan's arms. Feeling his naked and warm body against his. His pounding heart. Chan's hot breath. However all good things come to an end. „Wanna clean up? You're full of cum", Chan whispered and carassed Felix cheek again. Felix nodded slowly and smiled a bit. He forgot all his pain and just felt happieness in a high dose. If he always could feel like this. It would be a happy life but life is never happy. It always have a bad thing wrapping around their arms and when you feel happy the most, life will crush you even harder. Felix knew it. He knew that his happiness is limited and there will be a time, when Chan won't be nice like this anymore. 

Chan showed Felix the bathroom and asked if they should shower together. Felix blushed as he tought of feeling Chan's naked body a bit longer then. „If you...want". Chan smiled at the blonde boy. He was being so adorable cute and still his heart pounds so fast and loud. What was Felix doing with him? „I made you cry, baby. I really hurted you. It's the only thing I could do for you. So come in". Chan went in the shower and grabbed Felix's hand. He saw Felix wonderful cuts wich were shining like thousand stars. His little stars. „So beautiful", he whispered as he washed himself and Felix. The blonde boy could feel the warm water pouring on his head.

After cleaning they were cuddling at the couch. Felix didn't expect Chan wanting to do it, but after he was sitting at the couch, he was grabbing Felix very gently. Was he so gently just because of the cuts wich were still hurting? Maybe. Felix tought he would know Chan, he would know every little detail of his life but now it feels like he knew nothing about him. He couldn't say when Chan is going to change moods again. However not think about it for the moment. Chan being so kind and warm was the only thing that matter right now. „I don't want to go home", Felix said, while resting his head on Chan's chest. „Why? Problems?" „Yes". Because of you, Felix tought but he stayed silent. „Then stay with me for the night. I am alone anyways. I could need somebody to cuddle with when I sleep." Felix blushed again. Chan was being so adorable. „I'd love to to it ,too". Chan leaned to Felix and kissed him gently on his forehead. „Then let's do it".

They spent the whole day at Chan's flat and Felix ignored all his mother calls. He didn't want to start another war with her. His parents probably still thought that he had something to do with Minho's death. Humans lie very often and maybe so his parents. Felix was not trusting them. He was trusting Chan. At night time they layed together naked in Chan's bed and Felix could tell, his heart was near exploding. The day he was laying near Chan was finally there and he wanted to feel every second of it. He wanted to stop time to be forever in Chans arms because they feel like home. Even Chan always dumped him, this time it felt like they were really boyfriends and not just friends. Yes, Felix lost hope step by step of Chan being his. He told him so many times that they won't be in a relationship. His heart could stop hoping now. Nobody get the things they really wished for and it will always be like this. There is no way of changing it.

So Felix tried his best to stop loving Chan while he was resting in his warm hug, blanket over him and hearing his pounding heart because he felt so comfortable right now. „Stupid heart", Felix whispered and wished Chan would not hear it. He didn't want to break the nice atmosphere with talking to himself. Chan was sleeping and he was so beautiful. Felix turned away to not see his sleeping face again. It would be harder to kill the love then.

Yes, they had to sleep naked because that's pretty hot, you know? ;)) I am to smutty for this world. Btw if you love a naked Chan you can look forward, because he's naked a lot in my currently written ChanlixFF...what the hell is just wrong me? Why am I writing such stuff?? :')) Right, I still feel worse and I need to distract myself....

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